The future of the Karen remains uncertain. Those who live in SPDC-controlled villages and relocation sites are exploited by the military for forced labour and extortion. The internally displaced hiding in the forests continue to be hunted and must regularly flee ahead of any approaching Burma Army columns. Aside from their physical security, the most immediate need of Karen villagers is food security. For years Burma Army soldiers have employed a strategy of deliberately targeting and destroying civilian food supplies in direct contravention of customary international law. Karen villagers state that as a direct result of Burma Army oppression, almost no one is capable of producing enough food to feed their families throughout the year. Starvation now looms ominously overhead. Yet despite the myriad problems facing them, the Karen endure, refusing to bow down and obey the orders of the military. However, the situation is likely to get far worse before it improves. In late-2005, the Burma Army launched its latest military offensive against Karen civilians which quickly became the largest and most intensive in a past decade. One year on, attacks on undefended villages and the widespread perpetration of human rights abuses continue unabated. Thousands of additional troops have been moved into the region and are now set to intensify their attacks against the villagers in their endless campaign to consolidate control over the Karen.