Mahanirban Calcutta Research group

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Refugee Watch-A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration

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  Refugee Watch, 64 & 65 , June & December 2024  

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Ananya Chatterjee

--  Introduction: Teaching Migration: Responding to a Mobile Time



Mohamed Shafeeq Karinkurayil

--  The Migrant as Political Entrepreneur Teaching Literature of Economic Migration

Indira Chakraborty Bhattacharya

--  ‘Homing’ and the Desire for ‘Homing’: Reading/Teaching Kamila Shamshie’s Kartography Through a Migrant’s Experience

Azeemah Saleem

--  Audio-Visual Resources in Teaching Migration to Students Enrolled in Professional Courses

Kuldeepsingh Rajput & Sakshi Rajput

--  Educating Children of Seasonal Migrant Workers: Missing Pedagogical Orientation and Praxis in Teacher Education

Sreetapa Chakrabarty

--  Rohingya Children and the Pedagogy of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies

Sanjay Barbora

--  High Ground: Reflections on Colonialism, Conflicts, and Environmental Justice in Northeast India

Ayse Caglar, Giorgio Grappi, Lydia Potts, Saima Farhad, Sandro Mezzadra

--  Innovative Methods of Research

Samir Kumar Das

--  Syllabus on Migration Studies

Somali Bhattacharyya

--  Between Cities and Borders: Environmental Migration and Urban Mobility in the GBM Delta

Book Review


Prajot P. Asolkar

--  The Paradox of Belonging: Understanding Identity and Rejection in Modern France
  Current Refugee Watch

ISSN (Print) 2347-405X


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  About the Journal    

Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration is a peer-reviewed and refereed flagship journal brought out biannually by the critically recognized Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group in June and December, on a regular basis in both printed and electronic formats. It publishes original research papers that broadly engage with issues of forced displacement and migration, refugees, statelessness, internally displaced people, development related displacement, climate change and demography, borders and border conflicts, citizenship, human rights, peace and conflict resolution, women’s dignity and myriad other themes relevant to democracy. Being reviewed by an international advisory board, the journal is interdisciplinary in tenor and reflects the considerable expansion and diversification that has occurred in academia and policy -based research on issues of migration in India in recent years. The articles published are expected to initiate dialogue on the above-mentioned themes in transnational and global spaces and thus effectively open out new fields of interventions. The journal abides by international copyright rules and ethical guidelines including guidelines on originality and plagiarism, access to data, non acceptability of concurrent publication and proper acknowledgement of sources. Refugee Watch is being published since 1998 with the ISSN number 2347-405X and an index of the journal is available online.

Refugee Watch:


Notes for Contributors




Articles submitted for consideration of publication in Refugee Watch should be around 5000 words.  Book reviews can be around 1000 words and review articles can be around 2000 words.  Articles will have endnotes and not foot notes. Endnotes should be restricted to the minimum. Panel discussions and round-tables can also be proposed for publication. Enquiries about possible submissions are welcome.
For submission of articles and all other matters, correspondence should be addressed to the Editor, Refugee Watch, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, IA-48, Ground Floor, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 097 or . For book review and review-articles correspondence to be addressed to Dr. Samata Biswas, Book Review Editor, Refugee Watch, at the same address or at

Authors will have to submit articles both hard and soft copies (in MS Word). All articles are peer reviewed and it may take 3 to 4 months before a decision is reached on the proposed publication.  Contributors will get 2 copies of the journal.

Individual contributor retains her/his copyright. However, in reproduction of the article elsewhere, full citation of the journal will be appreciated.

Style Sheet for Refugee Watch


See also "Refugee Watch Online" ( for brief news, reports, views and comments on issues of forced displacement.

If you wish to subscribe Print Edition of REFUGEE WATCH, please visit " Subscribe ". You Can also pay by cheque/ demand draft. All remittances in favour of  MAHANIRBAN CALCUTTA RESEARCH GROUP, KOLKATA