Mahanirban Calcutta Research group


Research and Programme


One of the significant features of the course has been its ability to treat the issue of “forced migration” as holistic concept; which combines for its studies various forms of forced migration – internal and trans-border, the basic rights and issues of refugee protection and issues of internal displacement. Various types of forced migration – violence induced, environmental disaster induced, mixed form of migration; development induced, gender oppression induced and various types of discrimination induced migration are discussed through out the programme. Most of our research on forced migration focuses on state policies in South Asia and elsewhere with relation to refugee rights, gender rights, refugee care and forced displacement. 

CRG’s Annual Winter Course on Forced migration has drawn participants from South Asia and outside Asia with a wide variety of interest. We have been able to draw on the experience and research work of our former participants and faculty members of the course to develop a body of research work on the various issues of forced migration, displacement and refugee rights.  

Please find the details of the books, research papers and journal entries on Forced Migration by CRG.   


The Fleeing people of South Asia: Selections from Refugee Watch Edited by Sibaji Pratim Basu, Anthem Critical Studies: 2009. 

Internal Displacement in South Asia Edited by Paula Banerjee, Sabyasachi Basu Roy Chowdhury, Samir Kumar Das Delhi: Sage Publications. 

Refugees and the State – Asylum and Protection Policy of India, 1947-2000 Edited by Ranabir Samaddar:  Sage Publications, 2003. 

Refugees in West Bengal – Institutional Practices and Contested Identities CRG. / Edited by Pradip Kumar Bose, CRG , 2000. 

(To procure copies of the publications please write to 

Research Papers 

Displaced Lives-Personal Narratives, Essay by Aditi Bhaduri Click here for details

Policies and Practices 30  
Environment and Migration, Purulia, west Bengal, Essay by Nirmal Kumar Mahato

Policies and Practices 28  
Protecting the Rights of the Tsunami Victims: The Sri Lanka Experience, Essay by
Nirekha De Silva

Policies and Practices 26  
Cyclone Aila and the Sundarbans: An Enquiry into the Disaster and Politics of Aid and Relief, Essay by Amitesh Mokhapadhyay

Policies and Practices 22  
Tales of Two Cities, Essays by Ishita Day, Sanam Roohi and Tiina Kanninen

Policies and Practices 21  
Citizens, Non-Citizens, & The Stories of Camps, Essays by
Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury and Ishita Dey

Policies and Practices 17  
Limits of the Humanitarian: Studies in Situations of Forced Migration, Essays by Shiva K. Dhungana, Priyanca Mathur Velath, Nanda Kishor and Eeva Puumala     

Policies and Practices 16 
The Draft National Rehabilitation Policy: A Critique. Essays by Walter Fernandes, Priyanca Mathur Velath, Madhuresh Kumar, Ishita Dey, Sanam Roohi and Samir Kumar Das  
Policies and Practices 15
Conflict, War & Displacement: Accounts of Chhattisgarh & Batticaloa. Essays by Subash Mohapatra and Chathuri Jayasooriya. 

Policies and Practices 14 
Towards a New Consideration-Justice for the Minorities. Essays by Samir Kumar Das, Paula Banerjee and Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury 

Policies and Practices 12 
A Status Report on Displacement in Assam & Manipur 

Policies and Practices 10  
Women and Forced Migration.Compiled and edited by Paula Banerjee

Policies and Practices 6 
Globalisation, State Polices, and Sustainability of Rights, Essay by Madhuresh Kumar 

Policies and Practices 1  
People On The Move - How Governments Manage Moving Populations, Essays by Samir Kumar Das, Paula Banerjee and Madhuresh Kumar 



Responsibility to Protect – A Report on Dialogues on the Role of the National and State Human Rights Commissions in Situations of Internal Displacement 
To download the full report click here 

Eroded Lives
To download the full report click here 

Voices of the Internally Displaced Persons in South Asia
To download the full report click here 

Refugee Watch    

Issue No 34, December 2009

A Billion Indians in a Changing Climate  by Alina Pathan

The Point of No Return - Exploring Law on Cross-Border Displacement in the Context of Climate Change  by Vikram Kolmannskog

Struggles on the Borders of Higher Education: The Subjectivation of Indian Students in Australia by Brett Neilson

Global Citizenship: The Case of Migrants and Residents by Raffaele Marchetti
Waging Peace: Women, Restorative Justice, and the Pursuit of Human Rights in the Solomon Islands by Elizabeth Snyder

Discussion Paper I--  The Destruction of a Refugee Camp in Greece: A Report by the Movement for the Rights of Refugees and Immigrants in Patras

Discussion Paper II--  A Sleep in a Sterile Zone [This military campaign too, is a part of the same regime]
Book Review on Ravinder Kaur, Since 1947: Partition Narratives among Punjabi Migrants of Delhi, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2007. p. 16 by Supurna Banerjee

Issue No 33, June 2009


On the margins of Citizenship: Principles of Care and Rights of the Residents of the Ranaghat Women’s Home, Nadia District by Ishita Dey

Critical Climatic, Migration and Biopolitics: The Mexico-U.S. Border And Beyond by Arun G Mukhpadhayay

Internal Displacement in India: Status, Condition & Prospectus of Return by Monika Mandal

Immigration and Globalisation by Catherine Wihtol De Wenden

Franco- European Policy and Migration by Mirielle Fanon Mendes France


Issue No 32, December 2008

On Governing Unruly Population Flows by Ranabir Samaddar 
HIV and the Displaced: Deconstructing Policy Implementation in Tsunami Camps in Tamil Nadu by Ratna Mathai- Luke 
Gender, Camps and International Norms by Asha Hans 
The criminalisation of asylum seekers in the UK by Elizabeth Williams.           

Issue No 31, June 2008 

The Growing IDP Crisis in the Southern World- Tasks  from a Rights and Development Perspective by  Jeevan Thiagarajah          
The Protracted Refugee Life of the Sri Lankan Tamils in India by Gladston Xavier         
Relief to Rehabilitation: Towards Policy on Development Planning, Displacement and Rehabilitation by Madhuresh Kumar   
Tightening Closure, Securing Disorder: Israeli Closure  Policies and Informal Border Economy During the Second Intifada (2000-2006) by Cedric Parizot    
Making Sense of Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and  Displacement: A Work in Progress  by Elizabeth Ferris
Build Back Better: Hurricane Katrina in Socio-Gender Context  by Elizabeth Snyder            

Issue No. 30 December 2007 

The War On Immigrants by Stephen Lendman    
The Bar Dancer and The Trafficked Migrant: Globalisation and Subaltern Existance by Flavia Agnes 
Boundaries, Borders and Bodies by Hameeda Hossain 
The Dynamics of Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Assistance in Nigeria by Shambhavi V. Murthy Gopalkrishna 
How to Balance Rights and Responsibilities on Asylum at The EU's Solution Border of Italy and Libya by Rutvaca Andrijasevic   
Refugee Protection and Mixed Migration: A 10-Point Plan of Action- Discussion Paper I 
The Unrecognized Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon- Discussion Paper II  
The Lack of International Protection of Iraqi Refugees in Lebanon- Discussion Paper III

Issue No. 29 June 2007 

The Foreigner and The Right to Justice in The Aftermath of September 11 by Francois Crepeau
Exclusion from Refugee Protection in Europe: An Attempt at Legal Conceptualization by Patrick Hoenig
The Boundaries of Belonging: Reflections on Migration Policies into the Twenty-First Century by Alison Crosby
Who Went Where and How are They Doing? Pakistanis and Indians Outside South Asia by Papiya Ghosh
A Report by Women's League of Chinland on Hidden Crime Against China Women –Report I
A Report by Uddipana Goswami on Muslim IDPs in Western Assam -Report II
Bangladesh Minorities Increasingly at Risk of Displacement -Report III 

Issue No 28 December 2006    

Women's Rights, Asylum Jurisprudence and the Crises of International Human Rights Interventions, by Oishik Sircar    

Issue No 27 December 2006    

Tehri Dam: Displacement in the Garhwal Himalayas, by Trijita Gonsalves   
Women, Trafficking and Statelessness in South Asia, by Paula Banerjee      

Issue No. 24, 25 & 26, October 2005 (Re-Orienting Studies in Forced Migration)   

The Tsunami and the UN Role in India, by K. M. Parivelan 
Why should We Listen to Her? by Maria Ahlqvist  
Developing a Legal Regime for Refugees in Pakistan, by Atta ur Rehman Sheikh  
Bibliography on IDPs in Nepal    
Issue No. 23, December 2004 (The Ethical Origins of Refugee Rights)
IDPs in Assam, by Sumona Das  

Issue No. 21, April 2004 (Refugees from Bhutan)  

A Transparent Account: The Protracted Situation of the Bhutanese Refugees, by Thinley Penjore
Long Ordeal for Bhutanese Refugee Women in Nepal, by Keshab Poudel  
Categorising Victims On the Basis of Vulnerability, by Pusparaj Mohanty  
Common and Specific Features of Displaced Women, by Kaushikee 

Please visit for subscription details. 

Refugee Watch Online

Refugee Watch online is a co-publication of Refugee Watch on the flow of refugees, other victims of forced migration, and the internally displaced persons in South Asia. It presents news and views, critiques and analyses of policies of the States and international humanitarian institutions with regard to forced migration and forced population flows across the borders in this region. It stresses the need for a broad legal framework for this region with regard to refugee protection and protection of other victims of forced displacement. It tries to inform and build a network of intellectuals (such as teachers, journalists, lawyers, jurists, and human rights thinkers), academic institutes, and various public interest groups in order to address the task of drawing political and social attention to the cause of the human rights of the victims of forced migration. One of the essential features of the publication is its constant attention to the requirements of gender justice with regard to the victims of forced displacement.  

Please. visit for further details.