Kolkata, 25-29 November 2019
Module A: Global Protection Regime for Refugees and Migrants
Coordinator: Dr. Nasreen Chowdhory
Documents / Reports
1. “African Charter
on Human and Peoples’ Rights,” Nairobi, 1981
2. “Bali
Declaration on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related
Transnational Crime,” Bali 2016
3. “Voices of the
Internally Displaced in South Asia,” A report by Calcutta Research
Group, Kolkata 2006.
4. “Cartagena
Declaration on Refugees,” UNHCR, 1984
5. Dey, Ishita and Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaushury, eds.
The Responsibility to Protect: IDPs and Our National and State Human Rights Commissions. Kolkata: Calcutta Research Group, 2007.
6. “Dialogue on
Protection Strategies for People in Situations of Forced Migration”,
Report, Calcutta Research Group & UNHCR, December 2008
7. “Global Compact
for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”, General Concept Note,
Phase-I, consultations (April to November) 2017
8. Global compact
for safe, orderly and regular migration, “Contributions of migrants
and diaspora to all dimensions of sustainable development, including
remittances and portability of earned benefits”, Co-facilitators’
summary, UN Headquarters New York,2017.
9. “Human Rights of
Migrants”, Note by the UN Secretary-General, 2012
10. “In safety and
dignity: Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants”,
Report of the UN Secretary-General, 2016
11. IOM vision on
the global compact on migration.
12. UN General Assembly. "In safety and dignity: addressing large movements of refugees and migrants." United Nations General Assembly. Report of the Secretary-General. April 21, 2016.
13. “Making
Migration Work for All”, Follow-up to the Outcome of the Millennium
Summit, Report of the UN Secretary-General, 2017
14. “Migration
Governance Framework” IOM
15.“Modalities for
the intergovernmental negotiations of the global compact for safe,
orderly and regular migration” Resolution adopted by the UN General
Assembly, 2017.
16. “Model National
Law on Refugees” . ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, 2001..
17. “New York
Declaration for Refugees and Migrants” Resolution adopted by the UN
General Assembly, 2016.
18. “Profiling the
Vulnerability of Palestine Refugees from Syria living in Lebanon,” UNRWA, 2015.
19. “Progress,
Challenge, Diversity: Insights into the Socio economic conditions of
Palestinian Refugees in Jordon,” UNRWA, 2013.
20. “Refugee
Protection and Mixed Migration: A 10-Point Plan of Action”
UNHCR, 2007.
21. Refugee
Protection and International Migration: Trends August 2013-July
2014, Study prepared by UNHCR Division of International Protection,
Geneva, November 2014, particularly pp. 17-19
22. “Syria Regional
Crisis, Emergency Appeal,” UNRWA, 2018.
23. “Towards a
global compact on refugees: a roadmap”, UNHCR, 2017.
24. “Towards a
global compact on refugees”, High Commissioner’s Dialogue on
Protection Challenges 2017, 2017, Summary report.
25. “Towards a
global compact on refugees”, UN High Commissioner’s Dialogue on
Protection Challenges Geneva, 2017, Concept paper.
26. “Transforming
our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Resolution
adopted by the UN General Assembly, 2015.
Books 1. Agier, Michel, “The Chaos and the Camps: Fragments of a Humanitarian Government” in Ursula Biemann and Brian Holmes (eds.), The Maghreb Connection: Movements of Life Across North Africa, (Barcelona: ActarDInc, 2006), pp. 260–282 2. Agier, Michel, Hanging the Undesirables: Refugee Camps and Humanitarian Government (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010) 3. Banerjee, Paula (ed.), Unstable Populations, Anxious States: Mixed and Massive Population Flows in South Asia (Kolkata: Samya, 2013)
4. Banerjee,
Paula, Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhuri, and Samir K. Das (eds.),
Internal Displacement in South Asia : The Relevance of the UN
Guiding Principles (New Delhi: Sage, 2005)
5. Betts,
Alexander and Paul Collier, Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refugee
System (London: Allen Lane, 2017)
6. Castles, Stephen, Hein de Haas, and Mark J. Miller The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World (Fifth edition, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014) 7. Chimni, B.S. (ed.), International Refugee Law: A Reader (New Delhi: Sage, 2000) 8. D’Souza, Radha, What is Wrong with Rights: Social Movements, Law, and Liberal Imaginations (London: Pluto Press, 2018)
9. Derrida,
Jacques, Of Hospitality, trans. Rachel Bowlby (Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2000)
10. Derrida,
Jacques, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, trans. Mark
Dooley and Richard Kearney (New York: Routledge, 2005)
11. Genova,
Nicholas De (ed), The Borders of “Europe”: Autonomy of Migration,
Tactics of Bordering, (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press,
12. Gibney, Matthew J., The Ethics and Politics of Asylum (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) 13. Kermani, Navid, Upheaval: The Refugee Trek through Europe, trans. Tony Crawford (London: Polity Press, 2017) 14. Marrus, Michael R., The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985) 15. McConnachic, Kirsten Governing Refugees: Justice, Order, and Legal Pluralism (London: Routledge, 2014) 16. Rahola, Federico, “The Space of Camps: Towards a Genealogy of Places of Internment in the Present” in A. Dal Lago and S. Palidda (eds.), Conflict, Security and the Reshaping of Society: The Civilisation of War , pp. 185-199, Milton Park: Routledge, 2010. 17. Said, Edward, Reflections on Exile and Other Essays (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002), p.174
18. Samaddar,
Ranabir(ed.), Refugees and the State (Delhi: Sage, 2003)
19. Soguk, Nevzat, States and Strangers: Refugees and Displacements of Statecraft (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999) 20. Stedman, Stephen John and Fed tanner (eds.), Refugee manipulation – War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Sufferings (Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 2003)
21. Agier, Michel,
"Between 'War and City: Towards an Urban Anthropology of Refugee
Camps”, Ethnography, Volume 3 (3), 2002 : 317-366
22. An interview
with Sylvia Federici, “The Reproduction Crisis and the Birth of a
New “Out of Law” Proletariat”, LeftEast, 2017,
23. Andersson, R.,
“Hunter and Prey: Patrolling Clandestine Migration in the
Euro-African Borderlands”, Anthropological Quarterly, Volume
87 (1), 2014 : 119–49
24. Berman,Paul
Schiff, “Global Legal Pluralism”, South California Review,
Volume 80, 2007 : 1155-1165
25. Berman, Paul
Schiff, “The New Legal Pluralism”, Annual Review of Law and
Social Science, Volume 5, 2009 : 225-242
26. Bonjour, Saskia
and Jan Willem Duyvendak, “The ‘Migrant with Poor Prospects’:
Racialised Intersections of Class and Culture in Dutch Civic
Integration Debates”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 41
(5), 2018 :882-900
27. Bradley, Megan,
“Return of Forced Migrants,“ Forced Migration Online, 2006,
28. Bradley, Megan,
“The International Organization for Migration (IOM): Gaining Power
in the Forced Migration Regime”, Refuge, Volume 33 (1), 2017:97-106
29. Bulmer, Martin,
and John Solomos, “Migration and Race in Europe”, Ethnic and
Racial Studies, Volume 41 (5), 2018 : 779-784;
30. Chak, Tings, “Undocumented: The Architecture of Migrant Detention”, Migration, Mobility, & Displacement, Volume 2 (1), 2016: 6-29
31. Collyer,
Michael “Steel Wheels: The Age of Migration 5.0”, Ethnic and
Racial Studies, Volume 38 (13), 2015 : 2362-2365
32. Dhavan, Rajeev,
“India’s Refugee Law and Policy”,
- The Hindu, 25 June 2004
33. Doomernik, J., “A Study of the Effectiveness of Integration” , ILO Migration Programme series, Geneva, 1998 34. Heidemann, Frank and Abhijit Dasgupta, “Learning to Live in the Colonies and Camps: Repatriates and Refugee in Tamil Nadu”, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 53 (8), 2018 : 39-47
35. Krisch, Nico,
“The Case for Pluralismin Postnational Law”, LSE Legal Studies
Working Paper, Volume 12, 2009
36. Landau, Loren,
“Communities of Knowledge or the Tyrannies of Partnership:
Reflections on North-South Research Networks from a South African
University on Research Networks and the Dual Imperative”, Journal
of Refugee Studies, Volume 25 (4), 2012 : 555-570
37. Nair, Arjun, National Refugee Law for India: Challenges and Roadblocks, ICPS Research Paper 11, December 2007
38. Noll, Gregor, “Why
Human Rights Fail to Protect Undocumented Migrants“, European
Journal of Migration and Law, Volume 12 (2), 2010 : 241-272
39. Novak, Paolo,
“Back to Borders”, Critical Sociology, Volume 43 (6), 2017 : 847-864
40. Ramachandran, Sujata, “Indifference, Impotence, and Intolerance: Transnational Bangladeshis in India”, Global Migration Perspectives, Volume 42, Global Commission on International Migration, Geneva, 2005
41. Rudiger, Anja
and Sarah Spencer, “The Economic and Social Aspects of Integration”,
OECD Report, Brussels, January 2003
42. Urbina, Ian
“Tricked and Indebted on Land, Abused or Abandoned at Sea” The
New York Times, 8 November 2015
43. Walters,
William, “Migration, Vehicles, and Politics: Three Theses on
Viapolitics”, European Journal of Social Theory, Volume
18 (4), 2014 : 469-488
44. Warner, Daniel
“We are all Refugees”, International Journal of Refugee Law,
Volume 4 (3), 1992 : 365-372
Refugee Watch
45. Abraham, Itty,
“Refugees and Humanitarianism,” Refugee Watch, Special Issue
Nos. 24 – 26, October 2005
46. Chaudhuri,
Shreyashi, “Is the Right to returna Symbolic Right?“ Refugee
Watch Online, 2006.
47. Tometten, Cristophe, “Juridical Response to Mixed and Massive Population Flows”, Refugee Watch, 39-40, June -December 2012 : 125-140
International Migration Review
48. Bueker, Catherine Simpson, “Political
Incorporation Among Immigrants from Ten Areas of Origin: the
Persistence of Source Country Effects,” International Migration
Review, Volume 39(1), 2005 : 103-140
Castles, Stephen, The Factors that
Make and Unmake Migration Policies, , International Migration
Review, Volume 38 (2), 2004 : 852-884
Jacobson, Karen, “Factors Influencing
the Policy Responses of Host Governments to Mass Refugee Influxes,”
International Migration Review, Volume 30 (3), 1996 :
Jenkins, J. Craig and Susanne Schmeidl, “The Early
Warning of Humanitarian Disasters: Problems in Building an Early
Warning System,” International Migration Review, Volume
32(2), 1998 : 471-486
Module B: Gender, Race, Religion & Other Fault Lines in the Protection Regime
Coordinator: Professor Paula Banerjee
* Please note that this is a provisional reading list. It will be updated soon.
Module C: Neo-liberalism, Immigrant Economies and Labour
Coordinator: Professor Ranabir Samaddar
Documents / Reports
Economic Take on the Refugee Crisis: A Macroeconomic Assessment for
the EU”, European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and
Financial Affairs, Institutional Paper 033, 2016
Rother, Gaelle Pierre, Davide Lombardo, Risto Herrala, Priscilla
Toffano, Eric Roos, Greg Auclair, and Karina Manasseh, “The Economic
Impact of Conflicts and the Refugee Crisis in the Middle East and
North Africa”, IMF Staff Paper, SDN/16/08, September 2016 : 9-18
“Syrian Refugees in Turkish Garment Supply Chains”,
Report by Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, February 2016
“Syrian Refugees Working in Turkey’s garment Sector”,
Report by Ethical Trading Initiative
Report by TAMPEP (European Network for HIV/STI
Prevention and Health Promotion among Migrant Sex Workers), “Sex
Work in Europe: A mapping of the Prostitution Scene in 25 European
Countries” (Amsterdam: Tampep International Foundation, 2009)
6. Taylor, Edward, J., Mateusz J. Filipski, Mohamed Alloush, Anubhab Gupta, Ruben Irvin Rojas Valdes, and Ernesto Gonzalez-Estrada, “Economic Impact of Refugees”, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), Volume 113 (27), 2016 : 7449-7453
United Nations.
The State of the World’s Midwifery, 2011: Delivering
Health, Saving Lives,
United Nations Population Fund, New York, 2011
1. Agier,
Michel, Managing the Undesirables: Refugee camps and Humanitarian
Government .London: Polity Press, 2011
2. Ambrose, Stephen E.,
Nothing Like It in the World: The Men Who
Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
York, Simon & Schuster; 2001
3. Andrijasevic, Rutvica, “The Difference Borders Make: (Il)legality,
Migration and Trafficking in Italy among Eastern European Women in
Prostitution”, in S. Ahmed, C. Castaneda, A.M. Fortier, and M.
Sheller, (eds.), Uprootings/ Regroundings: Questions of Home and
Migration .New York: Berg, 2003 : 251–272
4. Baubock, Rainer, (ed.), From Aliens to Citizens: Redefining the Status of Immigrants in Europe . Aldershot, Ashgate and European Centre Vienna, 1994 : 3-28
5. Bauder, Harald, Labour Movement: How Migration Regulates Labour
Markets .New York: Oxford University Press, 2006
6. Behal, Rana P. and Marcel van der Linden (eds.), Coolies, Capital, and Colonialism: Studies in Indian Labour History ,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 7. Betts, Alex, Louise Bloom, Josiah Kaplan, and Naohiko Omata, Refugee Economies: Forced Displacement and Development ,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 8. Bian, David Howard, Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental Railroad ,New York, Penguin Books, 2000 9. Bloch, Alice, nando Sigona, and Roger Zetter, Sans Papiers: The Social and Economic Lives of Young Undocumented Migrants ,London: Pluto Press, 2014 10. Bloch, Alice and Sonia McKay, Living on the Margins: Undocumented Migrants in a Global City ,Bristol: Policy Press, 2017 11. Bose, Pradip Kumar, Refugees in West Bengal: Institutional Practices, Contested Identities ,Kolkata: Calcutta Research Group, 2002
Breman, Jan, Taming the Coolie Beast: Plantation Society and the
Colonial Order in Southeast Asia ,Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 1989
Castles, Stephen and Godula Kosack, Immigrant Workers and Class
Structure in Western Europe ,London: Institute of Race
Relations, 1973
14. Castles, Stephen, “Migration” in David Theo Goldberg and John Solomos (eds.), A Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies ,Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002, : 570-572 15. Castles, Stephen and Mark J. Miller, The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World (Hampshire, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003), chapter 8, “Migrants and Minorities in the Labour Force”, pp. 178-197 16. Cole, Robert and Senator Mark Hatfield, Uprooted Children: Early Life of Migrant Farm Workers (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970)
Davis, Mike, El Nino Famines: Late Victorian Holocausts and the
Making of the Third World (London: Verso, 2002)
Gatrell, Peter, The Making of the Modern Refugee (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2015), chapter 3, “Europe Uprooted: Refugee
Crisis in the Mid-Century and ‘Durable Solutions’”, pp. 89-117
19. Geyer, Mary (ed.), Behind the Wall: The Women of the Destitute Asylum, Adelaide, 1852-1918, published on the occasion of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary in South Australia, 1894-1994 (Adelaide: Migration Museum, 1994)
Hewison, Kevin and Ken Young (eds.), Transnational Migration and
Work in Asia (London: Routledge, 2006)
Siddarth, Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2017)
22. Lewis, Mary, The Boundaries of the Republic: Migrant Rights and the Limits of Universalism in France, 1918-1940 (Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007) 23. Marshall, Thomas Hamphrey, Citizenship and Social Class: And Other Essays (Cambridge University Press, 1950)
Mezzadra, Sandro and Brett Neilson, Border as Method, or the
Multiplication of Labour(Durham: Duke University Press, 2013)
Aihwa, Buddha is Hiding: Refugees, Citizenship, the New America,
California Series in Public Anthropology, 2003
Papadopoulos, D., N. Stephenson, V. Tsianos,
Escape Routes. Control and Subversion in the 21st Century(London:
Pluto Press, 2008), p. 202
Parker, Roy, Uprooted: The Shipment of Poor Children to Canada,
1867 to 1917 (Bristol: Policy Press at the University of
Bristol, 2008)
Michael J., Birds of Passage: Migrant Labor and Industrial
Societies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979
29. Rosenberg, Clifford, Policing Paris: The Origins of Modern Immigration Control between the Wars (Ithaca, Cornell: Cornell University Press, 2006) 30. Samaddar, Ranabir, The Marginal Nation: Transborder Migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal (New Delhi: Sage, 1999), chapter 31. Samaddar, Ranabir, “The Ecological Migrant in the Postcolonial Time” in Andrew Baldwin and Giovanni Bettini (eds.), Life Adrift: Climate Change, Migration, Critique (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017), pp. 171-193 32. Samaddar, Ranabir, Migrants and the Neoliberal City (Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2018)
Sassen, Saskia, Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the
Global Economy (Harvard: Belknap Press, 2014)
Tilly, Charles, “Transplanted Networks”
in Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, ed., Immigration Reconsidered.
History, Sociology, and Politics (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1990), chapter 3, pp.
Torpey, John, The Invention of Passport: Surveillance,
Citizenship, and the State (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1999)
36. Anderson, Bridget, “Migration, Immigration Controls and the
Fashioning of Precarious Workers,” Work, Employment, Society,
Volume 24 (2), 2010: 300–317
Chambers, Robert, “Rural Refugees in Africa: What the Eye Does not
See”, Disasters, Volume 3 (4), pp. 381-392
Montclos, Perouse de Marc-Antoine and Peter Mwangi
Kagwanja, “Refugee Camps or Cities? Socio-economic Dynamics of the
Dadaab and Kakuma Camps in Northern Kenya”, Journal of Refugee
Studies, Volume 13 (2), 2000, pp. 205-222
39. Samaddar, Ranabir, “Returning to the Histories of the Late 19th and Early 20thCentury Immigration”, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 50 (2), 10 January 2015, pp.
Refugee Watch 40. Samaddar, Ranabir, “Borders of Labour and Refugee Economies”, Refugee Watch, 50, December 2017, pp. 1-13
International Migration Review
Esser, Hurmut, “Does the
‘New’ Immigration Require a ‘New’ Theory of Intergenerational
Integration?,” International Migration Review, Volume 38(2),
Field, Serge, “Labour
Force Trends and Immigration in Europe,” International Migration
Review, Volume 39 (3), 2005, pp 637-662
Freeman, Gary,
“Immigrant Incorporation in Western Economies,” International
Migration Review, Volume 38(2), 2004, pp 945-969
Guang, Lei, “The State
Connection in China’s Rural-Urban Migration,” International
Migration Review, Volume 39 (2), 2005, pp 354-380
Guarnizo, Luis Eduardo,
“The Economics of Transnational Living,” International Migration
Review, Volume 37(2), 2003, pp 666-699
Han, Shin-Kap, “Ashore
on the Land of Joiners: Intergenerational Social incorporation of
Immigrants”, International Migration Review, Volume 38 (1),
Krissman, Fred, “Sin
Coyote Ni Patron: Why the ‘Migrant Network’ Fails to Explain
International Migration,” International Migration Review,
Volume 39(1), 2005, pp 4-44
Lewin-Epstein, Noah,
Moshe Semyonov, Irena Kogan and Richard Awanner, “Institutional
Structure and Immigrant Integration: A Comparative Study of
Immigrants’ Labour Market Attainment in Canada and Israel,”
International Migration Review, Volume 37(2), 2003, pp 389-420
Liang, Zai and Toni
Zhang, “Emigration, Housing Conditions and Social Stratification in
China,” International Migration Review, Volume 38(1), 2004,
pp 686-708
Logan, John R, Richard D
Alba and Brian J Stults, “Enclaves and Entrepreneurs: Assessing the
Payoff for Immigrants and Minorities,” International Migration
Review, Volume 37(2), 2003, pp 344-388
Mata, Fernando and Ravi
Pendakur, “Immigration, Labor Force Integration and the Pursuit of
Self-Employment,” International Migration Review, Volume
33(2), 1999, pp 378- 403 [D]
Montgomery, J. Randall,
“Components of Refugee Adaptation,” International Migration
Review, Volume 30(3), 1996, pp 679 -702
Parrado, Emilio A and
Marcela Cerruti, “Labour migration between Developing countries: the
case of Paraguay and Argentina,” International Migration Review,
Volume 37(1), 2003, pp 101-132
Pessar, Patricia and
Sarah J Mahler, “Transnational Migration: Bringing Gender In,”
International Migration Review, Volume 37(2), 2003, pp 812-846
Pieke, Frank N and Mette
Thuno “Institutionalising, Recent Rural Emigration from China to
Europe: New Transnational Villages in Fujian,” International
Migration Review, Volume 39 (2), 2005, pp 485-514
56. Semyonov, Moshe & Anastasia Gorodzeisky, “Labour Migration,
Remittances and Household Income: A Comparison between Filipino and
Filipina Overseas Workers,” International Migration Review,
Volume 39 (1), 2005, pp 45-68
Module D: Borderland and Migrant Labour
Coordinator: Professor Byasdeb Dasgupta
Module E: Statelessness
Coordinator: Professor Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury
Module F: South Asia: Laws of Asylum and Protection
Coordinators: Dr. Simon Behrman and Dr. Oishik Sircar