Fifth Annual Research & Orientation Workshop
Global Protection of Migrants and Refugees

Kolkata, 16-21 November 2020

Reading List


Module A /  Module B /  Module C /  Module D /  Module E / Module F

Module A

Module A: Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants with Emphasis on Protection in the Time of a Pandemic

Coordinator: Nasreen Chowdhory, Assistant Professor, University of Delhi


1. Anne Showstack Sassoon - Migration and Mobility_ The European Context-Palgrave Macmillan (2001).

2. Tim Hatton, ‘The Age of Mass Migration: What we can and can’t explain’ in Anne Showstack Sassoon - Migration and Mobility_ The European Context-Palgrave Macmillan (2001).

3. Antonio Pecoud (2013) in Martin Geiger and Antonio Pecoud, Disciplining the Transnational Mobility of People.

4. Ravi Srivastava( 2020),Understanding circular migration in India :Its Nature and Dimensions, the crisis under Lockdown and the Response of the State, IHD-CES Working paper series, Institute for Human Development, Delhi.

5. Mezzadra, S, Neilson, B (2008) Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor. European Institute for Progressive Politics. Available at:

6. Kofman, E (2005) Citizenship, migration and the reassertion of national identity. Citizenship Studies 9(5): 453–467.

7. Isin, E (2012) Citizens without Frontiers. London: Continuum.

8. Bigo, D (1994) The European internal security field: Stakes and rivalries in a newly developing area of police intervention. In: Anderson Mand Boer, M (eds) Policing Across National Boundaries. London: Pinter, 42–69.

9. Shah, A, Lerche, J. Migration and the invisible economies of care: Production, social reproduction and seasonal migrant labour in India. Trans Inst Br Geogr. 2020; 00: 1– 16.

10. Gilbert, Geoff (2020) 'Forced Displacement in a Time of a Global Pandemic.' In: Ferstman, Carla and Fagan, Andrew, (eds.) Covid-19, Law and Human Rights: Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. University of Essex, 167 - 175. ISBN 978-1-5272-6632-2.

11. Lucas Guttentag, Corona Virus Border Expulsions: CDC’s Assault on Asylum Seekers and Unaccompanied Minors, Just Security, 13 th April 2020, m- seekers-and-unaccompanied-minors/ as accessed on29th July 2020

12. Volker Turk and Elizabeth Eyster, (2010), ‘Strengthening Accountability in UNHCR’.

13. International Journal of Refugee Law, 2010(22);159.

14. Pascale Allotey, Zhie X Chan, Fatima Ghani, Emma Rhule, Mobility Migrants and COVID- 19:an enhanced challenged to health and human rights, 5 th June 2020 as seen in - an-enhanced-challenge-to-health-and-human-rights.html.

15. Kanak Mani Dixit, Pandemics without borders, South Asia’s Evolution, The Hindu, 04 May 2020

16. Dobusch, L, Kreissl, K. Privilege and burden of im-/mobility governance: On the reinforcement of inequalities during a pandemic lockdown. Gender Work Organ. 2020; 1– 8.

17. Steven J Heyman,1991The first duty of government: Protection, Liberty and the Fourteenth amendment. Duke Law Journal, Vol 41: 507, 508-571.

18. Ketrner, James, The Development of American Citizenship, 1608-1870, at 7-8, 16-28 (1978).

19. Arun Kumar,2 020, ‘The Pandemic is changing the face of Indian labour’, The Wire as accessed from




Module B


Module B: Migrants and the Epidemic: Gender, Race, and other Vulnerabilities

Coordinator: Samata Biswas, Assistant Professor , The Sanskrit College and University



1.   "Beyond the Male Migrant: South Africa's Long History of health geography and the contemporary AIDS pandemic"

2.   "When outbreaks go globals: Migration and Public health in a Time of Zika"

3.   Out of two bad choices, I took the slightly better one’: Vaccination dilemmas for Scottish and Polish migrant women during the H1N1 influenza pandemic

4.   " Missing: Where Are the Migrants in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans?"

5.   " Pandemics Migration and Global health Security"

6.    "Knowledge about Pandemic Influenza Preparedness among Vulnerable Migrants in Thailand"

7.    "Migration data relevant for the Covd 19 Pandemic"

8.    " The Coronavirus Pandemic Could be Devastating for the world's Migrants"

9.    "Muslims get Corona': How Stigma Burnt Down A Bengal Locality"

10.  "The Government Will Come to Its senses': Calcutta's Workers and the Plague of 1898  

11.   India's Initial Coronavirus Response Carried Echoes of the Colonial Era

12.  "Migration and Reverse Migration in the Age of Covid 19" 

13.  "Stay Safe Conversations that illuminate the Glass wall between her and me"

14.  What Covid 19 reveals about borders and citizenships

15.  Racial Discrimination: Man Throws Tiffin at Naga Women in Pune

16.  Mobility in Immobility 

17.   Greece ready to welcome tourists as refugees stay locked down

18.   Social Aspects of Epidemiology: Migration and health, Some Introductory Notes

19.   Migration and Health

20.   Immigration, Ethnicity and Pandemic

21.   Where are the migrants in pandemic influenza preparedness plan?

22.   The contribution of a gender perspective to the understanding of migrants' health

23.   The migration journey and mental health--Evidence from venezuelean forced migration

24.   Addressing Sex and gender in Epidemic Prone Infectious Diseases

25.   Covid 19: The Gendered Impacts of the Outbreak 

26.  Thinking about gender while responding to an epidemic

27.    The Peshwa's tax holiday

28.    Human mobility and human rights

29.   Corona Times (blog)

30.    Corona thread on Allegra Lab

31.   Witnessing Corona 

32.    Towards a feminist new deal 

33.   African Feminist Post Covid 19 economic recovery Statement 

34.   Forced Migration review, Covid 19: Early Reflections


36.   The CoVid 19 pandemic in the GCC- Underlying Vulnerabilities for the Migrant workers 

37.   In Canada Non Status women are being left behind 

38.   CoVid 19 reveals the inherent vindictiveness of migration detention 

39.  Can technology become a tool of oppression and surveillance? 

40.   Why migrants are particularly vulnerable during the pandemic? 

41.   The many facets of pandemic vulnerability

42. Climate Migration and the CoVid 19 pandemic--addressing the needs of climate migrants and vulnerable communities

43. Covid 19 and the vulnerable

44. Migrants: Exposed and Vulnerable to the CVid 19 pandemic

45. Allegra Lab open threat on corona

46. Haitian deportees face an unconscionable crisis during the pandemic

47. What happens to freedom of movement during a pandemic

48. India's tumultuous history of epidemics

49. Public Health in British India

50. Epidemics and Pandemics in India Throughout History

51. Migrant and displaced children in the age of covid 19

52. Forced Migration and Transmission of HIV Aids

53. Migration and Aids

54. Most HIV positive migrants in Europe acquired HIV post migration

55. Pandemics, Places and Populations

56. 1994 Surat Plague has many lessons for India

57. Educating Migrant Workers on Zika

58. The Role of Easter Island in the dissemination of Zika Virus

59. Defending Human Rights During a Global Pandemic: Lessons from UNAIDS (with Luisa Cabal)

60. UNAIDS report and report launch

61. Where Vegetables are a luxury

62. Gendering the pandemic in prisons


64. Migrant Domestic and care workers: High Risk but No protection

65. A pandemic, and then what?

66. Migrant agricultural workers in India and the covid 19 lockdown

67. Migrant workers and the COVID-19 pandemic

68. Farm workers, mostly undocumented

69. Migrant farm workers detail dangerous pandemic conditions

70. Migrant women workers on the road

71. Differently abled migrant women grapple with the pandemic

72. protecting migrant women workers in food supply chains

73. Informal home care providers

74. Health emergency and disaster- risk management framework

75. Covid 19-the gendered impacts of the outbreak

76. Stigmatization and discrimination

77. Covid 19 and xenophobia

78. Coronavirus is spreading across borders

79. Whom do you trust

80. poorest may be pushed over the edge

81. France faces epidemic of anti asian racism

82. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal

83. The Plague of Thebes, A historical epidemic in Sophocles's

84. When Racism and Disease Spread Together

85. The Question of Racial Immunity to Yellow fever in History and Historiography

86. India's Initial Coronavirus response carried Echoes of the Colonial Era

87. Pandemics: Waves of Disease, Waves of hate, from Plague of Athens to AIDS

88. Remembering the Spanish Flu in Asia

89. Migrant Women Workers on the Road: Largely Invisible and Already Forgotten

90. The additional risk of Covid 19 for Migrant Women and How to Address Them

91. Rapid Gender Analysis for Covid 19

92. The 1896 Bombay Plague: Lessons in What not to Do

93. Genetics is not why more BAME people die from Coronavirus

94. The Black Death

95. Health Equality Considerations

96. They cared for Some of New York's Most Vulnerable Communities

97. Discrimination and homophobia fuel the HIV epidemic in gay and bisexual men

98. Bengaluru Sanitation Worker, 28, Dies of Covid 19

99. Covid 19 How Casteist is this Pandemic

100. Deaths of 6 Chennai Sanitation Workers Unrecorded




Module C


Module C: Neoliberalism, Migrant Worker and the Burden of the Epidemic: Few Observations

Coordinator: Arup Kumar Sen, Associate Professor, Serampore College, & Iman Mitra, Assistant Professor, Shiv Nadar University


Neoliberalism and Labour 

1. Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopoltics: Lectures at College de France, 1978-79 (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008)

2. Jurgen Reinhoudt and Serge Audier, The Walter Lippmann Colloquium: The Birth of Neoliberalism (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018).

3. Phillip Mirowski and Dieter Plehwe, The Road from Mont Pelerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009)

4. Gary Becker, Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993).

The Formal and the Informal

5. W. Arthur Lewis, ‘Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour’, Manchester School 22 (1954), 139-91

6. Michael Todaro, ‘A Model of Labour Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries’, The American Economic Review 59, no. 1 (1969), 138-48.

7. John Harris and Michael Todaro, ‘Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two-Sector Analysis’, The American Economic Review 60, no. 1 (1970), 126-42.

8. Derek Byeriee and Carl Eicher, ‘Rural Employment, Migration and Economic Development: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence from Africa’, African Rural Employment Study, Paper 1 (1972), 1-52.

9. Hein de Haas, ‘Migration and Development: A Theoretical Perspective’, International Migration Review 44, no. 1 (2010), 227-264..

10. Jan Breman, Footloose Labour: Working in India’s Informal Economy (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996).

11. Guy Standing, The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class (London: Bloomsbury, 2011).

12. Tom Barnes, Making Cars in New India: Industry, Precarity and Informality (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Migration and Informality

13. National Commission for the Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (Chairman: Arjun Sengupta), Report on Conditions of Work and Promotion of Livelihoods in the Unorganised Sector (New Delhi, 2007).

14. Ranabir Samaddar, ‘Primitive Accumulation and Some Aspectsof Work and Life in India’, Economic and Political Weekly XLIV, no. 18 (2009), 33-42 .

15. Nagarik Mancha, A Report on Locked-out Factories, Plight of Workers and Urban Space (Kolkata, 2005).

16. Arjan De Haan, ‘Unsettled Settlers: Migrant Workers and Industrial Capitalism in India’, Modern Asian Studies 31, no. 4 (1997), 919-49.

17. Ishita De, ‘The Migrant in a Service Village in the City’, Policies and Practices 74 (2016), 21-36.

18. Mouleshri Vyas, ‘Labouring Dangerously: Death and Old Age in the Informal Economy in Mumbai City’, Policies and Practices 73 (2015), 15-27.

19. Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay, ‘Institutionalizing Informality: The Hawkers’ Question in Post-colonial Calcutta’, Modern Asian Studies 50, no. 2 (2016), 675-717.

The Burden of the Epidemic

20. Ranabir Samaddar, Burdens of an Epidemic: A Policy Perspective on Covid-19 and Migrant Labour (Kolkata: Calcutta Research Group, 2020).






Module D


Module D: Statelessness with Emphasis on De Facto Statelessness and the Rightlessness of Sections of Population

Coordinator: K.M. Parivelan, Associate Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai



1.   Text of the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons

2.   Text of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness

3.   The World’s Stateless

4.   Resolving Existing Major Situations of Statelessness

5.   Statelessness: what it is and why it matters

6.   ‘Stateless’ Rohingyas: persecution, displacement and complex community development  by Manish K Jha

7.   Addressing COVID-ified maritime migration in the Bay of Bengal: the case of stateless Rohingya boat people by Tejal Khanna

8.   Rethinking refugeehood: statelessness repatriation, and refugee by MEGAN BRADLEY

9.   Statelessness and the Problem of Resolving Nationality Status by CAROL A. BATCHELOR

10.  Forced Migration Policy Briefing3: Statelessness, Protection and Equality





Module E


Module E: Legal regimes of protection and the time of the pandemic

Coordinator: Oishik Sircar, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Law School



1. Hannah Arendt, “We Refugees,” in Jerome Kohn and Ron H. Feldman eds., Hannah Arendt: The Jewish Writings, New York: Schocken Books (2007): 264-274

2. Andrew E. Shacknove, “Who is a Refugee?” Ethics 95. 2 (Jan., 1985): 274-284

3. B.S. Chimni, “The Geopolitics of Refugee Studies: A View from the South,” Journal of Refugee Studies 11: 2 (1998): 350-374

4. Simon Behrman, “Refugee Law as a Means of Control.” Journal of Refugee Studies 32.1 (2018): 42-62.

5. Jacqueline Bhaba, “Internationalist Gatekeepers? The Tension Between Asylum Advocacy and Human Rights,” Harvard Human Rights Journal 15 (2002): 155-181

6. Ratna Kapur, “Travel Plans: Border Crossings and the Rights of Translational Migrants,” Harvard Human Rights Journal 18 (2005): 107-138

7. Vasuki Nesiah, “Freedom at Sea,” London Review of International Law 7: 2 (2019) 149-179

8. Suvendrini Perera, “What is a Camp…?” borderlands 1: 1 (2002)

9. Elizabeth Holzer, “What Happens to Law in a Refugee Camp?” Law and Society Review 47.4 (2013): 837-872

10. Justine Poon, “How a Body becomes a Boat: The Asylum Seeker in Law and Images,” Law and Literature 30.1 (2017): 105-121



13. Tings Chack, “Undocumented: The Architecture of Migrant Detention,”






Module F


Module F: Ethics of Care, Public Health, and the Migrants and Refugees

Coordinators: Paula Banerjee, Professor, University of Calcutta


1. Arendt, H. (1986) The Origins of Totalitarianism. London: Andre Deutsch

2. Banerjee, Paula, Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury & Samir Kumar Das eds. (2004) Internal Displacement in South Asia: Relevance of UN’s Guiding Principles. New Delhi: Sage.

3. Bauböck, R. (2005) ‘Expansive Citizenship—Voting beyond Territory and Membership’. PS: Political Science & Politics 38(4): 683–7.

4. Bauböck, R. (2008) Stakeholder Citizenship: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.

5. Black, R. (2001) ‘Fifty Years of Refugee Studies: From Theory to Policy’. International Migration Review 35(1): 57– 78.

6. Carens, J. (1992) ‘Migration and Morality: A Liberal Egalitarian Perspective’. Pp. 25–47 in B. Barry and R. Goodin (eds.), Free Movement. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf

7. Carens, J. (2005) ‘On Belonging’. The Boston Review (Summer).

8. Cornelius, W. (1982) Interviewing undocumented migrants: Methodological reflections based on fieldwork in Mexico and the US .

9. International Migration Review Special Issue: Theory and Methods in Migration and Ethnic Research, 16(2), 378–411.

10. Crepeau, Francois (2010) ‘Dealing with Migration: A Test for Democracies’ in Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration, 35, June.

11. French, W., and Weis, A. (2000) ‘An Ethics of Care or an Ethics of Justice.’ Journal of Business Ethics, 27(1/2), 125-136.

12. Gibney, M. J. (2000) ‘Asylum and the Principle of Proximity’. Ethics, Place & Environment, 3(3): 313–17.

13. Gibney, M.J. (2014) ‘Political Theory, Ethics, and Forced Migration.’ Pp. 1-9 in E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh et al. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies.

14. Knapik, M. (2002, July 5–17) Ethics in qualitative research: Searching for practice guidelines. Paper presented at the symposium ‘Linking Research to Educational Practice II’, University of Calgary, Calgary.

15. Ottosdottir, G., and Evans, R. (2014) ‘Ethics of Care in Supporting Disabled Forced Migrants: Interactions with Professionals and Ethical Dilemmas in Health and Social Care in the South-East of England.’ The British Journal of Social Work, 44(1): 153-169.

16. Penz, P. (1997) ‘The Ethics of Development-Induced Displacement’. Refuge, 16(3): 38–41. Penz, P., Drydyk, J., and Bose, P. S. (2011) Displacement by Development: Ethics, Rights and Responsibilities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

17. Robinson, F. (2011) The Ethics of Care: A Feminist Approach to Human Security. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

18. Samaddar, Ranabir (2002): ‘Caring for the refugees: Issues of power, fear and ethics’ in Three Essays on Law, Responsibility and Justice, SAFHR Paper 12. Kathmandu: South Asia Forum for Human Rights.

19. Samaddar, Ranabir (2003): ‘In life, in death: Power and rights’ (mimeo.).

20. Samaddar, Ranabir ed. (2020) Borders of an Epidemic: Covid-19 and Migrant Workers. Kolkata: Calcutta Research Group.

21. Samaddar, Ranabir ed. (2020) Burdens of an Epidemic: A Policy Perspective on Covid-19 and Migrant Labour. Kolkata: Calcutta Research Group.

22. Shacknove, A. E. (1985) ‘Who is a Refugee?’ Ethics 95(2): 274–84. 13.

23. Singer, P., and Singer R. (1988) ‘The Ethics of Refugee Policy’. Pp. 111–30 in M. Gibney (ed.), Open Borders, Closed Societies. Westport, CT: Greenwood. Tronto, J.C. (1987) ‘Beyond Gender Difference to a Theory of Care.’ Signs, 12(4): 644-663.

24. van Liempt I., Bilger V. (2018) Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas in Research Among Smuggled Migrants. In: Zapata-Barrero R., Yalaz E. (eds) Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham.

25. Walzer, M. (1983) Spheres of Justice. New York: Basic Books.