Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair, Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group , "Memories of the Forgotten ", 20 September
Kjell-Ake Nordquist, Professor of International Relations, University College Stockholm , "The Megacity: between the Nation-State and Globalization", 14 August
Simon Behrman, School of Law, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham , "The Politics of ‘Climate Refugees’?", 7 August Atig Ghosh, Assistant Professor at the Department of History, Vidya-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan , "Re-articulating 'Agrarian Populism' in Postcolonial India: Considerations around D.N. Dhanagare's Populism and Power: Farmers' Movement in Western India, 1980-2014 and Beyond", 18 July Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair, Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group , "On Left-Wing Populism ", 7 June
Ravi Ahuja, Professor, Centre for Modern Indian Studies, University of Gottingen, Germany, "The Natives of the S. S. Egypt: Steamship Workers and Racial Management in the British Empire ", 29 March |
Anne Feenstra, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad(2015-2017), "Slow Architecture ", 26 October
Anne-Marie Autissier, The Institute of European Studies (Paris 8 University) , "Politicies of Diversity in Art and Cultural Organisations: A Comparison France-India ", 27 July
Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair, Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group , "Karl Marx, Colonialism and India ", 6 July Prasanta Ray, President of Calcutta Research Group and Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Political Science, Presidency University , "'The Sociology of Greed: Runs and Ruins in Banking Crises ", 1 June Brian Fehler, Associate Professor of English, Texas Women’s University , "'history of rhetoric, religious rhetorics, and American literature (colonial through long nineteenth century) ", 24 May
Liza Schuster, Department
of Sociology, City University of London , "Returning Refugees to Conflict
Zones ", 5 February |
Livio Boni, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, "The Generic City: meta-political remarks on the future of the city at the time of absolute capitalism", 26 December
Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group , "Urban Turn", 26 December
Sanjay Barbora, Associate Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS)Guwahati , "Peasants, Students, Insurgents and Popular Movements in Contemporary Assam", 28 November Sayantan Saha Roy, University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, " Thinking about Rights in India: Life and/or Liberty ", 14 September 2017 Subir Sinha, SQAS, London, " Separation, Mobility and the Ordinary City: On Migrants' Subjection and Subjectivity ", 23 August 2017 Alexa Franczak, McGill University, Faculty of Law, " The Exclusion of Women Interests in the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Act ", 19 July 2017
Rama S. Melkote,
Author and former Professor of Political Science at Osmania University,
Women in the Telangana Movements: Then and
14 July 2017 |
Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, CRG, " Ecological Marginality and Floating Populations", 20 December 2016 Nimmi Kurian, Associate Professor, Centre for Policy Research, " The Periphery as Hub? Competing Constructions of Borders in India's Act East Policy", 16 November 2016 Bivas Chaudhuri, Department of Statistics, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, " Use of Official Statistics in the Social Science Research - Issues and Concerns", 03 November 2016 Sumanta Banerjee, Independent Researcher, " The Core and Contours of Popular Movements in India in the near Future", 20 September 2016 Sravani Biswas, Syracus University, " Independence Not Yet: East Pakistan and the Cyclone of 1970", 16 August 2016 C. Raja Mohan, Director, Carnegie India, " Reconnecting the Subcontinent : India and the New Silk Roads", 24 June 2016 József Böröcz, Professor of Sociology, Rutgers University, " Materialist Background to the 2015: Refugee Crisis of Europe", 17 June 2016 Lawrence Liang, Legal Researcher and Co-founder, Alternative Law Forum, " Bright Lights and Shadows: Histories and Politics of Labour and Law in the Indian Film Industry ", 4 May 2016 Swapna Mukhopadhyay, Graduate School of Education, Portland State University, " Ethnomathematics", 19 February 2016 Ananda Bhattacharya, Assistant Director, Directorate of State Archives, Government of West Bengal, " Evolution of Archives in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Through the Ages : Its Management and system of Record Keeping", 22 January 2016 Anandaroop Sen, PhD Student, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, " The Arakanese, the 'Magha' and the Space of Refuge: Settlement Projects in Cittagong", 13 January 2016
Suryasikha Pathak,
Assistant Professor,
Centre for Tribal Studies, Assam University,
" Identity and Politics : The Bodo Movement and its Genesis", 13 January 2016 |
Camille Buat, PhD Student, University of Göttingen, Germany, " Circulatory Labour Practices and the Constitution of a Trans-regional Scale of Social Relations: Circuits of Migration in the Bhojpuri Region, 1910s-1980s", 06 November 2015 Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, CRG, " Crisis in Greece : Europe's Postcolonial Destiny", 03 October 2015 Clara Atehortua , Lawyer from Universidad de Medellín, " IDPs Settlement in the Cities and Durable Solutions Programs ", 01 October 2015 D.M.Diwakar, Director, A. N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, " Migration and Social Change in Bihar", 20 August 2015 Taimoor Shahid, PhD Student, University of Chicago, " The Enchanted Paradigm: Modernity of Difference in Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s Poetry", 04 August 2015 Jessica De Santi, Bachelor of Law, McGill University, "Pluralisms in Law: International Refugee Law and India’s Refugee Policy", 17 July
Ranabir Samaddar,
Director, Calcutta Research Group, "The Crisis of 1947, the
Railway Strike, and the Rank and File",
05 June Christoph Hauck, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, "Change of Government in Comparative Perspective: The End of Hegemonic Party-Rule in the German State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and West Bengal 2011", 13 May Iman Kumar Mitra, Research and Programme Associate, Calcutta Research Group, " The Rhetoric of Rent and the Rent of Rhetoric: Birth of the Economic Expert, 08 May Manabi Majumdar, Professor Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, " Meyeder Shikkha : Byaktir Pachanda Banaam Samajer Angikar” (Women’s Education: Individual Choice versus Social Commitment), 26 February Prafulla Chakraborty, Eminent Activist and Trade-Unionist, " Autonomous Labour Movement in West Bengal", 20 February Debasis Poddar, Assistant Professor of Law, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Jharkhand, " One Hundred years of War and Peace since World War I: A Juridical Trajectory, 16 January |
Immanuel Ness, Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York, " Autonomy of the Trade Union Movements", 25 August Simpreet Singh, Housing Rights Activist based in Mumbai, " Politics of the Civil Society and Civility of the Political Society", 31 July Peter Grbac, McGill University, Faculty of Law, " Accessing Refugee: India and its 1971 Refugee "Problem" ", 25 July Sujata Dutta Hazarika, Deputy Director, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Guwahati , " Global Initiative for Sustainable Development and Planning: Engaging a Discourse in Natural Resource Management and Conflict Resolution in North East India", 18 July Ranabir Samaddar, Director, Calcutta Research Group, " Policing a Riot-torn City: Kolkata16-18 August 1946", 6 June Itty Abraham, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, " Technology, Body, and Law: The Antinomies of Rights and Governmentality", 25 April (Second Sage-CRG Lecture) Annemiek Prins, University of Amsterdam, " The Plight of Dwelling : East-Bengali Migrants and the Struggle for Land in Kolkata", 11 April Geraldine Forbes, Distinguished Teaching Professor, History Department, State University of New York Oswego, " I could live like a boy in every other respect... Misperceptions about Education for women", 14 March Faisal Fasih, Lecturer, WBNUJS, " Social Security of Unorganized Workers in India", 21 February Anindya Ray chaudhuri, British Academy Post Doctorial Fellow, Department of English University of St. Andreues, " My Other Mother: Narratives of the 1947 Indian / Pakistani Partition, Separated Families and Mourning as Agency", 10 January
Pamela Philipose, Director and Editor-in-Chief, Women's Feature Service, New Delhi," The Time We Live In (Framed by New Media)", 14 December Byasdeb Dasgupta, Associate Professor, Department of Economic, University of Kalyani, " Some Thoughts on India under Neo-liberal Transition", 15 November Shyamalendu Mazumdar, Faculty, Department of Political Science, Sivanath Sastri College, Kolkata," Homelessness", 23 August Naba Dutta, Eminent Labour and Human-Rights Activist," Present Conditions of Labour Movement in West Bengal", 20 August Harry E. Vanden, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa," Resurgence and Evolution of the Latin American Left and the Prospects for New Democracy There", 26 July Charlotte-Anne Malischewski, Under Graduate Student, McGill University, Faculty of Law," Statelessness Law in India: Production, Prevention and Priotection", 19 July Paula Banerjee, Department of South and South East Asian Studies, Calcutta University and Honorary Senior Researcher, CRG," Women, Conflict and Security: Case of Tripura", 12 July Sita Venkateswar, Director , International in the collage of Humanities and Social Sciences and Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology Program at Massey University, New Zeland, " Expanding the Margins: Toward 'an anthropology of life' in the Anthropocene", 12 July Subir Bhaumik, Former BBC correspondent and member of CRG, "China, India and Future of Asia", 21 June Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury, Research & Programme Associate, CRG, and Anwesha Sengupta,Research and Programme Assistant, CRG, " Dalits and Partition in the East between 1947 and 1964: A Research in Progress", 14 February
Bishnu N.
Visiting Senior Fellow, South Asian Studies Programme, National
University of Singapore, "
Intimacy, Distance & Conditions of Being Refugees ",
(First Sage-CRG Lecture) |
Samir K.Das,
Vice-Chancellor, North Bengal University and Member CRG, " Unstable Spaces and New
Nomadism”, 14 October
J.Peter Burgess,
Professor at Peace Research Institute Oslo and Senior Researcher at the
Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels
What is Critical Migration Studies? ", 30 September
Samita Sen,
Director,School of Women Studies, Jadavpur University"
Kulikahini and Other Stories: Gender and Nationalism in Assam Labour
Recruitment, 1880-1910", 27 July
Arani Sanyal,
Intern, CRG," 'Justice' Loosened? The 'Katatel'
Controversy in Kolkata", 15 June
Seppälä Tiina,
Researcher, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social
Studies, University of Lapland, Finland
(Currently Visiting Fellow, CRG),"Movements
against Neoliberal Development in India: The Case of Rajarhat New
Town Project in Kolkata”, 15 March
Leonie Ansems de Vries,
Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of
Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia,"
On the (Im)mobility of Political Life", 15 March
Ivan Ivekovic,
Professor of American University of Cairo,
" Egypt's Uncertain Transition",
18 January |
Mithilesh Kumar,
Research Associate, Calcutta Research
Group," Chronicle of a Man-made Disaster Foretold: Bihar
Floods 2011",
28 November
Sibaji Pratim Basu,
Assistant Professor of Habra Sri Chaitanya
College and Member of Calcutta Research Group," Chronicle of a
Forgotten Food Movement: 1959 Revisited ",
28 November
Peter Burgess,
Professor of Peace Research Initiative
Oslo (PRIO)," The Ethical Subject of Security ",
22 September Mithilesh Kumar, Research Associate, Calcutta Research Group," Logistics of Labour Migration: A Case Study of Bihar", 24 August
Anisha Dutta,
of Sociology, Brandon University, Canada, "
Social Eugenics and
Macro-Motherhood in the Name of a ‘Sustha’ Nation-State", 22 July
Suhit K. Sen
Calcutta Research Group, "Bizarre
Urbanity : The Unmaking of Rajarhat", 11 July
Janam Mukherjee,
University of Michigan"
Hungry Bengal : War, Famine and the End of Empire 1939-1946 ", 22 June.
Azmiya Badurdeen,
Independent Evaluator / Trainer for conflict transformation and
peace building projects in Sri Lanka, Participant of Eighth
Annual Winter Course in Forced Migration & our short term
visiting fellow ,"The
Conditions of Return: The Case of Sri Lanka in the Post Conflict
30 December. Suhit K. Sen, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences ,"Party and Government : Sources of Legitimacy", 10 November.
Ranabir Samaddar,
Director of CRG ,"Michel
Foucault and our Post Colonial Time",
4 May. To
Sanjay Palshikar,
Department of Political
Science, University of Hyderabad and Current Fellow, Indian Institute of
Advance Study,"The
Devas and the Asuras: Interpretative Adventures of Indian Nationalism",
5 February.
Antoine Garapon,
Secretary General of the Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice, Paris,
Films on Legal Culture:
& To Kill a Mockingbird",
18 January.
François Crépeau,
Professor of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, McGill
University," Protecting Migrants’ Rights as a Test for Democracies”, 15
Bertil Lintner, Eminent Journalist,“Burma's Foreign Policy:
Issues of Regional Security and Refugees”, 9 December.
Andrew Solomon, Deputy Director and Fellow, Brookings-Bern Project
on Internal Displacement, Brookings Institution, “Justice,
Accountability, and the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons”,1
Bodil Folke
Frederiksen, Associate Professor, International Development Studies,
Roskilde University, "Denmark
Researching the Life and Works of an African Public Intellectual: Which
Contexts Matter? ", 25 November.
Research & Programme Associate, CRG" The Background of National
Environment Policy of India-Exploring Influences ", 14 November.
Priyadarshini Chakravorty,
Research & Programme Associate, CRG" Voices from Jadugoda:
Understanding the Changing Dynamics of Managing Common Property in the Wake
of Uranium Mining and Associated Risks in a Globalising Economy", 14
Ishita Dey,
Research & Programme Associate, CRG" Negotiating Rights: Case Study
of the Falta Special Economic Zone ", 14 November.
Professor of Department of History, New York University" Spatial
Reorganization of North Eastern Parts of British India,1905 to Present ", 12
and teacher at Paris 8 University Institute of European Studies, in
Sociology of Culture and Cultural European Policies "The
World as a Regional Cosmogony in The Cultural Field", 18 February.
Visiting Scholar from Helsinki University, Finland "Impact of
Climate Change on Migration in India", 12 January. |
Mireille Fanon France, Eminent Human Right Activist, Paris " Racism, Immigration and Xenophobia in the World today ", 15 December.
Director, CRG " Governing Unruly Population Flows ", 1
December. |
Professor of Amsterdam School for Social Science Research ,"
Coolie Migration in the Colonial Era ", 13 December. |
Hossain, Director, Ain O Shalish Kendra, Dhaka," Forced
Migration and Trafficking of Labour-Migrant Women Workers of Bangladesh",
15 December. |
David Newman,
Professor, Department of Politics and Government, Ben Gurion University,
Beer Sheva, Israel, "Open Borders - Closed Borders: The Impact of 9/11
on the Migration Process", 15 December. Visit by Erine Mooney, Deputy Director of the Brookings Institution - University of Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Brookings Institution, USA, discussion on Internal Displacement, 18 March
Visit by Sergei A. Baranov,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
discussion on movements for autonomy in India and Russia, 9 February. |
Cynthia Cockburn,
Eminent Feminist Thinker, Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology
School of Social and Human Sciences, City University London, UK,
"Feminism as a Resource in Opposing Xenophobia and Separatism",
December. |
Benedict Anderson, Professor, Department of International Studies, Cornell
University, Ithaka, USA,
"Domestic Bomb, Domestic Emancipation: Migration within the
Nation-State", 15
December. |