Mahanirban Calcutta Research group




Care and Protection of the Migrants and Refugees in the Global South

Participants & Faculties


Participants Topics Abstract s/ Full Paper

Amanda Dionis



Anastasiia Lukina



Carolina García Jarquín    

Esmé Starke from the Netherlands, and she had graduated in 2022 from Tilburg University with a bachelor's in Organization and Management studies. During her bachelor's she gained interest in Migration studies through my honors program, specifically in continuing research into migration policies in Europe. In EMMIR she had completed her internship in Nakivale Refugee Settlement and will continue her studies in focusing on post-colonialism and the middle-eastern context.


Francesca Panico is an EMMIR student coming from Italy. She holds a Bachelor's in International Studies and Cultural Encounters from Roskilde University, Denmark. During her mobility at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, she specialised in anthropological and ethnographic methodologies, with a particular focus on gender studies. Currently, her main research focus lies in environmentally-induced displacement and the prevention of human rights violations in the context of forced migration.


Vania Vergara Martínez    

Vitor Amador    


Faculties Classes

Ranabir Samaddar belongs to the critical school of thinking and is considered as one of the foremost theorists in the field of forced migration studies. He has worked extensively on issues of forced migration, the theory and practices of dialogue, nationalism and post-colonial statehood in South Asia, and new regimes of technological restructuring and labour control. The much-acclaimed The Politics of Dialogue was a culmination of his long work on justice, rights, and peace. His recent political writings published in the form of a two-volume account, The Materiality of Politics (2007), and The Emergence of the Political Subject (2009) have challenged some of the prevailing accounts of the birth of nationalism and the nation-state, and have signaled a new turn in critical postcolonial thinking. His co-authored work on new town and new forms of accumulation Beyond Kolkata: Rajarhat and the Dystopia of Urban Imagination (Routledge, 2013) takes forward urban studies in the context of post-colonial capitalism. He is currently the Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group.


Sabyasachi Basu Ray Choudhory  











Participants & Faculties


Field Visit
