Mahanirban Calcutta Research group


Justice, Security, and Vulnerable Populations of South Asia of South Asia

Concept Note

Justice, Security, and Vulnerable Populations of South Asia


Webinar on  "Security at Crossroads: Land, Food, Water" , August 13, 2024

How can we understand the concepts of Justice and Security with respect to vulnerable populations in South Asia? Can traditional 'security studies' adequately address the notions of human security, security of vulnerable populations? How do states and communities engage with the contested categories of food, shelter, water, land, climate and gender? In the first webinar of the series "Security at Crossroads" the speakers examine different aspects of human security as they play out in India--they discuss how questions of land, food and water shape the experiences of marginal groups in India and how, if at all, can food, water and land security offer them dignified participation in the politics of life!
Rajendran Narayanan, Azim Premji University
Meenakshi Nair Ambujam, Post Doctoral fellow , Department of International Development, University of Oxford
Gopal Krishna, editor,Toxics Watch
Moderator: Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Rabindra Bharati University & CRG
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