Public Lectures 

Imtiaz Ahmed, Professor of International Relations, Dhaka University (Bangladesh) delivered a special lecture at Utkal University on 28 July 2007. The lecture was jointly organized by the CRG, Department of Journalism and Electronic Communication and School of Women’s Studies, Utkal University. The theme of his lecture was – ‘Internal Displacement in Bangladesh’. Besides two public lectures delivered by Heiki Patomaki and Jan Breman were organized as part of the course on 30 November and 13 December 2007. Their lectures were focused on the future of European Union and Coolie Migration in the colonial era respectively.   

Research Programme 

The CRG has designed and organized a number of researches on the theme of forced migration in collaboration with different institutes in South Asia. The winter course is designed to provide vital inputs to CRG’s ongoing research. CRG as a research organization takes advantage of the presence of a number of experts and specialists in the field of forced migration. Hari Adhikari and Guna Raj Luitel were commissioned to prepare two studies on the state of Bhutanese refugees and internal displacement in Nepal respectively.    

The CRG has been able to set-up a well-organized network of institutions and individuals passionately committed to the cause of forced migrants in South Asia. In the field of studies and discourses on forced migration it has been able to establish itself as a premier institution.

6. The Course Schedule 

The Fifth Annual Winter Course on Forced Migration
(1-15 December 2007, Kolkata)

(Venue – Conference Room, Swabhoomi, Kolkata, 
unless otherwise stated

Course Modules (Compulsory)

A. Forced migration, racism, immigration and xenophobia
B. Gender dimensions of forced migration, vulnerabilities, and justice
C. International, regional, and the national legal regimes of protection, sovereignty and the principle of responsibility
D. Internal displacement
with special reference to causes, linkages, and responses
E. Research methodology in Forced Migration Studies

Course Modules (Optional) 

F. Resource politics, environmental degradation, violence and displacement
G. Ethics of care and justice 

H. Media and displacement and forced migration

Plus, field visit, seminars, course assignments, workshops, public lectures, etc

[A three-month long distance education programme precedes the 15-day winter workshop in Kolkata. Course reading, assignments of various types, on-line interaction, discussions

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