11.30 – 1 PM    Module B (Camp women and international norms) / Asha Hans (Director, Sansristi, Bhubaneswar)
1 – 2 PM          Lunch break

2 – 3.30 PM     Module C “Australian Asylum Policies, confinement, warehousing and treatment towards refugees” / Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase

3.30- 6PM      Library hours and discussion on the revision of term papers under module B (Meghna Guhathakurta with respective term paper writers only – AT CRG OFFICE)

7.30 P.M.      Reception (Hotel Sojourn) / Guest of honour: Carol Batchelor, Chief of Mission UNHCR, New Delhi.
5 December (Wednesday)
9.30 – 11 AM      Module C and D (Human Rights Origins of the International Regimes of Protection of the Victims of Forced Migration) / Carol Batchelor

11 – 11.30 AM    Tea break

11.30 – 1 PM      Module C Roundtable (Need for a fresh look at the 1951 Convention and the Relevance of Post-Colonial Experiences) / Carol Batchelor, K.M. Parivelan, (TNTRC, Chennai), Patrick Hoenig (Jurist and visiting professor, Jamia Milia Islamia).

Moderator: Ranabir Samaddar / Rapporteur/s from Group C

1 – 2 PM          Lunch break

2 – 3.30 PM    Module D (Internal Displacements in the Northeast and Burma – An Overview) / Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury 

3.30 – 4 PM     Tea break

4 – 5.30 PM     Module C / (The Need for National Legislation and Regional Convention for Refugees and other Victims of Forced Migration) / K.M. Parivelan

8 P.M.       Dinner discussion / under Module D (The IDP Crisis Today and the Protracted IDP Situations in Africa) / Khassim Diagne (Senior Policy Advisor, UNHCR, Geneva)

and Rabindra Bharati University), Ruchira Ganguly Scrase, (University of Wollongong, New South Wales) and Meghna Guhathakurta 
4 – 4.30 PM                   Tea break
4.30 – 5.30 PM            Continued // Plenary
6 – 8 PM                        Library hours 

3 December  (Monday)
9.30 – 11 AM     Module A (
"Is a Global Identity Possible? The Relevance of Big History to Self-Other Relations".) / Heikki Patomaki,  (University of Helsinki, Helsinki)
11 – 11.30 AM    Tea break

11.30 – 1 PM    Participants’ presentation under Module A and B (Samir Kumar Das and Meghna Guhathakurta)

1 – 2 PM        Lunch break

2 – 3.30 PM   Module B (Forced Migration of Women in Asia)  / Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase
3.30-4PM        Tea break
4 – 5.30 PM    Modules C and G (Protracted situations of displacement: What is happening to Bhutanese refugees in Nepal and Sri Lankan refugees in India?) 

Panel discussion: Gladstone Xaviers, (Loyola College, Chennai) Radha Adikari, (Participant) Hari Adhikari (Bhutanese Refugee), Som Nirula and Jagat Acharya (Nepal Institute of Peace)
Moderator: Ranabir Samaddar, Director, Calcutta Research Group and Rapporteur/s from relevant groups 

6 – 8 P.M.       Library hours

4 December (Tuesday)
9.30 – 11 AM     Presentation of reports on all the discussions under Modules A and B / Group reports / Moderator: Heikki Patomaki and Meghna Guhathakurta

11 – 11.30 AM    Tea break

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