A Toolkit Orientation Programme on Rethinking Rights, Justice, and Development

Section 4: Programme Resources
4.3  Important Web Resources for the Programme

The AgBioIndia mailing list
The AgBioIndia mailing list is an effort by the Forum for Biotechnology & Food Security to bridge the yawning gap in our understanding of the politics of food. We believe this mailing list will create wider awareness and understanding of the compexities of the crisis facing Indian agriculture and food security. This list will keep you posted on the intricacies and games being enacted in the name of eradicating hunger. It is a non-commercial educational service for non-profit organisations and individuals. Subscribers are welcome to contribute information. You can view previous issues at

Infochange News and Features
The website offers comprehensive coverage of several different issues including the environment, water resources, poverty, livelihoods, women, children, public health etc. This one-stop website on India's social sector provides daily uploads on development news, the background and context to development issues in India, features, profiles, interviews, and dozens of stories of change about alternative models of development and individuals and organisations working to make a difference at the grassroots.

Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme
The Poorest Areas Civil Society (PACS) Programme stems from the overall aim of the UK's Department For International Development (DFID) to reduce global poverty and promote sustainable development

This website contains listings of jobs and consultancies in national and international NGOs, the UN and inter-governmental organisations working in India as well as fellowship announcements in the Indian development sector.

Indian government’s online directory
A one-point resource for all Indian government websites at all administrative levels

id21 is a research reporting service that aims to put international development policy into practice. By producing summaries of the most recent UK-resourced development research, id21 is increasing the communication of research findings and policy recommendations to policy-makers worldwide. The site provides free access to an online database of over 2000 highlights of recent social, economic, education and health and natural resources research in developing countries

A comprehensive online directory of non-governmental organisations active in India; events and news on the social development sector

Indev- India development information network
A British Council initiative, the website acts as a gateway to development information on India

The Communication Initiative
The Communication Initiative is a partnership of development organisations promoting communication interventions for positive international development. The site is a source for publications, events, training opportunities and strategic thinking about communication as an instrument of change

The International Labour Organisation
The International Labour Organisation is the United Nations specialised agency, which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights

United Nations Development Programme
The United Nations Development Programme.is concerned with integrating human rights in all global development activity, such as democratic governance, poverty reduction, crisis prevention and recovery, energy and environment, HIV/AIDS http://www.undp.org

Export Credit Agencies (ECA) Watch
ECA Watch is an outreach mechanism of a larger international campaign to reform Export Credit Agencies (ECAs). Non-governmental organisations working on issues related to the environment, development, human rights and anti-corruption participating in this campaign lobby national and global ECAs to improve their environmental policies and practices

50 Years Is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice
A coalition of over 200 American grassroots, women's, solidarity, faith-based, policy, social- and economic-justice, youth, labour and development organisations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Network works with over 185 international partner organisations in more than 65 countries. The Network focuses on action-oriented economic literacy training, public mobilisation, and policy advocacy.

Asia-Europe Dialogue on Alternative Political Strategies
The objective of this German-based organisation is to encourage a dialogue between the civil society organisations in Asia and Europe that could engender alternative political strategies, which could ultimately lead to alternative models of development. This web site analyses and documents ongoing debates, popular responses, campaigns and struggles related to these themes related to two main themes, globalisation and global security

Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC)
Through research, information production and dissemination, popular education and campaigns AIDC aims to contribute to the development of regional and global challenges to the currently dominant global economic system. Through the empowerment and mobilisation of progressive organisations and popular social movements, AIDC aims to contribute to the development of alternatives that ensure fundamental socio-economic transformation

The Bank Information Centre (BIC)
BIC is a US- based NGO that aims to empower affected communities, indigenous peoples, and grassroots movements in developing countries to address the negative side effects of economic globalisation. Supported by private organisations working for the environment and development, BIC supports and informs those working to influence the activities of multilateral development banks in a manner that fosters social justice and ecological sustainability

CEE Bankwatch Network
CEE Bankwatch Network, one of the strongest environmental NGO’s in Europe, comprises a network of organisations in 12 countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and CIS region whose mission is to prevent the environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance. Its aim is to monitor the activities of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in the region, and to propose constructive alternatives to their policies and projects and to promote public participation

World Agroforestry Centre
The World Agroforestry Centre is an autonomous, not-for-profit research and development institution supported by nearly 60 different governments, private foundations regional development banks and the World Bank whose primary mission is to improve food and nutritional security and enhance environmental resilience in the tropics.

Food and Agriculture Organisation
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy.

International Food Policy Research Institute
Aimed at identifying and analysing policies for sustainably meeting the food needs of the developing world, the research at IFPRI focuses on economic growth and poverty alleviation in low-income countries and the sound management of the natural resource base that supports agriculture. IFPRI seeks to make its research results available to all those in a position to use them and to strengthen institutions in developing countries that conduct research relevant to its mandate

Consultative Group on Agricultural Research
CGIAR is a strategic alliance of countries, global and regional organisations and private foundations supporting 15 international agricultural centres. It works with national agricultural research systems and civil society organisations to achieve sustainable food security and reduce poverty in developing countries through scientific research and research-related activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, policy and the environment.

Harvest Plus
Harvest Plus, one of the CGIAR’s Global Challenge Programs, seeks to reduce the effects of micronutrient malnutrition by harnessing the power of plant breeding to develop staple food crops that are rich in micronutrients, a process called Biofortification.

International Rice Research Institute
The International Rice Research Institute, an autonomous, nonprofit agricultural research and training organisation with offices in more than ten nations aims to find sustainable ways to improve the well-being of poor rice farmers and consumers while protecting the environment

Oxfam International
A confederation of 12 organisations, Oxfam International works together with over 3000 partners in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. Oxfam seeks increased worldwide public understanding that economic and social justice are crucial to sustainable development and aims to shift in public opinion in order to make equity the same priority as economic growth.

The publication Developments is a free quarterly magazine produced by the UK- based Department for International Development (DfID) to increase awareness of development issues. Its website provides an overview of international development issues and the latest news on how British development assistance works in partnership with developing countries to help eradicate poverty.

Friends of the River Narmada
The Friends of the River Narmada is an international coalition of individuals and organisations (primarily of Indian descent), which acts as a support and solidarity network for the Narmada Bachao Andolan (Save the Narmada movement), which has been fighting for the democratic rights of the citizens of the Narmada Valley.

International Water Management Institute
IWMI is a non-profit scientific research organization specialising in water use in agriculture and integrated management of water and land resources. The institute works with partners in the developing world to develop tools and methods to help these countries eradicate poverty and ensure food security through more effective management of their water and land resources

United Nations Development Fund for Women
UNIFEM provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programmes and strategies that promote women's human rights, political participation and economic security.

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS, is the main advocate for global action on the epidemic. It leads, strengthens and supports an expanded response aimed at preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS, and alleviating the impact of the epidemic

World Health Organisation
The world’s foremost health agency, the World Health Organisation is the United Nations specialised agency for health, established with the objective is to achieve attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health

The Centre for Economic and Social Rights
Established in the United States in 1993, the Centre for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) promotes the right of every human being to housing, education, a healthy environment, food, work. CESR works with communities, activists and civil society groups to strengthen local initiatives for economic justice, by connecting them with global institutions and legal agencies to ensure human rights.

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is an independent, non-partisan, international non-governmental organisation, mandated to ensure the practical realization of human rights in the countries of the Commonwealth

Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) is the foremost global human rights organisation, which campaigns for internationally recognised human rights

Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch is an independent nongovernmental organisation dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world

The International Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross is an international or intergovernmental organisation. The website provides a brief overview of the organisation's major activities throughout the world in the fields of protection, assistance and prevention.

Alternative Law Forum
The Alternative Law Forum is a lawyers collective, which uses law to address situations of marginalisation and disempowerment faced by people on the basis of caste, class, religion, gender, sexuality, disability or any other status

Humanity Foundation
The Humanity Foundation website is a host for cross cultural understanding, possibilities for positive action and a conversation with the world

South Asia Citizens Web
The SACW is an independent space on the internet to promote the exchange of information between and about citizens initiatives from South Asia and its Diaspora communities.

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
A research institute with five Indian centres and four overseas affiliates, TERI is committed to every finding innovative solutions to critical energy and environment-related issues and the challenges posed by sustainable development -- from providing environment-friendly solutions to rural energy problems to helping shape the development of the Indian oil and gas sector and from tackling global climate change issues across continents to enhancing forest conservation efforts among local communities.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Established in 1972, United Nations Environment Programme acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment. To accomplish this, UNEP works with a wide range of partners, including United Nations entities, international organisations, governments, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and civil society.

Wildlife Trust of India
Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) is a non-profit conservation organisation committed to urgent action that prevents the destruction of India 's wildlife. Its principal concerns are crisis management and the provision of quick, efficient aid to those areas that require it the most.

Endocrine Disrupters Website
A European Commission website that seeks to provide a basic understanding of endocrine disrupting chemicals and that introduces and explores the central issues at hand. A number of reports as well as the Commission’s strategy are also presented in detail.

Environmental Health News
A daily news service that works to increase public understanding of emerging scientific links between environmental exposures and human health. The site provides daily breaking news from newspapers, new science from scientific and medical literature and new reports from organisations working to protect human health from environmental exposures.

Our Stolen Future
The web home of the authors of Our Stolen Future, a book that explores the emerging science of endocrine disruption -- how some synthetic chemicals interfere with the ways that hormones work in humans and wildlife. Access regular updates about the latest scientific research on endocrine disruption, information about ongoing policy debates, and suggestions about what you can do as a consumer and citizen to minimize risks related to hormonally-disruptive contaminants.

World Wildlife Fund for Nature
WWF’s efforts to increase scientific understanding of toxic chemicals and to restrict or ban harmful chemicals stem from evidence that some chemicals can undermine the basic functions of entire ecosystems, as well as harm wildlife and human health. WWF has done some of the path‑breaking work on endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Centre for Science and Environment
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is an independent, public interest organisation, which aims to increase public awareness on science, technology, environment and development.

Environment News Service
The Environment News Service provides daily international news updates on the environment.

Greenpeace India
Greenpeace is a global non-profit organisation, which focuses on the most crucial threats to the planet's biodiversity and environment

Toxics Link
Toxics Link is an information exchange mechanism that aims to strengthen campaigns against toxics pollution in India, help push industries towards cleaner production and link groups working on toxics issues into a National Toxics Movement in India.

Making India Green
Making India Green provides simple ways to support environmental causes and campaigns. It also features news and articles on the environment.

Kalpavriksh is a voluntary group working on environmental education, research, campaigns, and direct action.

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
ATREE is a not-for-profit organisation,, which utilises an interdisciplinary approach to address issues of environmental degradation and economic development.

Development Alternatives
The Development Alternatives group is a non-profit organisation committed to creating large-scale sustainable livelihoods.

Global Movement for Children
The Global Movement for Children is the worldwide movement of 10 organisations and thousands of people, including children, uniting their efforts to build a world fit for children.

The world’s foremost children’s organisation, UNICEF is an arm of the United Nations. Works to improve the conditions of children and ensure their rights in over 158 countries.

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC)
A part of UNICEF, the Innocenti Research Centre (IRC) works to strengthen the capacity of its parent body and its cooperating institutions to respond to the evolving needs of children and to develop a new global ethic for children. It promotes the effective implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in both developing and industrialised countries.

Children’s Rights India
The website of the Indian chapter of the international Terre des Hommes, an association that believes that children’s rights need to be part of the human rights agenda and strives to raise funds to support action and advocacy on behalf of children who have no means of defending themselves against poverty, oppression, abandonment or discrimination.

Children First – International Campaign for Children’s Rights
As the name suggests, the members of the international organisation Children First believe the rights of children come before any geographical, national, political, cultural, religious, ethnic or economic considerations, and work towards promoting this agenda

CRY - Child Relief and You
One of India ’s foremost child aid organizations, CRY is a non-governmental organisation works for the benefit of underprivileged children across India.

Free the Children
An international network of children helping children at a local, national and international level through leadership and action Free the Children was founded by 12 year-old Craig Kielburger. The primary goal of the organisation is not only to free children from poverty and exploitation, but to also free children and young people from the idea that they are powerless to bring about positive social change and to improve the lives of their peers.

Save the Children India
Save the Children India is a non-governmental organisation, which works for the empowerment of disadvantaged women and children mainly focusing on the spheres of education and health. More recently, it has concentrated on the combating and preventing the trafficking of children from rural areas.

Save the Children
A global child aid organisation, Save the Children works in 17 states across the United States and over 40 developing to help children and families improve their health, education and economic opportunities. The NGO also mobilises rapid life-support assistance for children and families caught in the tragedies of natural and man-made disasters. The International Save the Children Alliance, an association of 26 independent organisations provides child-oriented emergency response, development assistance and advocacy of children's rights in more than 100 countries.

Global March against Child Labour
Global March is an international movement that aims to eradicate child labour and create an awareness of the extent of the problem and its impact on children lives. This commitment is reflected in its advocacy of the International Labour Organisation’s Convention Against the Worst Forms of Child Labour. The website contains articles and news about child labour from around the world.

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
The world's largest international source of funding for population and reproductive health programmes, UNFPA works to promote the idea that reproductive health is recognised as a human right. It works with governments and non-governmental organizations in over 140 countries on programmes that help women, men and young people plan their families, avoid unwanted pregnancies, undergo safe pregnancies and childbirth, avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and combat violence against women.