The tools for learning, teaching and training during the programme are :
- A primer on key terminologies associated with the modules
- Presentations by resource persons
- Face to face discussion with human rights activists, researchers’ policy analysts etc.
- A programme reader including key texts on each modules
- Selected case studies
- Films on development, human rights issues, alternatives, strategies and important campaigns
- Prose or poetry on related themes
- Model questions for discussions
Format of Interactive sessions based on Films, Case Studies, and Key Texts
- Opening remark by the moderator on the theme based on the text, film, case study etc.
- All the participants would be expected to have studied the texts or case study before coming for that particular session. (However, one of the participants would be asked to summarise the key points of the text before the discussion starts, for the benefit of those who have not read that.)
- Model questions to be distributed or raised by moderator to the participants for their reflection and discussion.
- In the interactive workshop session participants are to be divided in groups of 5-6 to discuss the salient questions raised by moderators and by themselves during the group discussion. [Approx. 20 mins. If a film is screened or else 30-45 mins]
- Moderator / Resource Persons to try and shape the discussion on principles of horizontality, mutual trust, shared consciousness, informality, solidarity and critical engagement
- At the end participants to come out jointly with some definitions of the concepts discussed and or the solutions for the problems discussed during the session and present it to everybody. [Approx. 30 minutes]
Film Resources
- Development Flows from the Barrel of the Gun
- Naka Naka, Dupont Naka, India
- Jari Mari, India
- Kaise Jeebo Re
- In the Dust of Development
- Bhopal Express
- Ladies Special
- Swaraj
- Words on Water
- Film on Right to Information