Anne-Marie Autissier
Anne-Marie Autissier is a sociologist
and teacher at Paris 8 University Institute of European Studies, in
Sociology of Culture and Cultural European Policies. Since 1986, she has
been a consultant for various European organizations (European Cultural
Foundation, European Commission, French Ministry of Culture and
Communication). She is Chief Editor of Culture Europe International,
an electronic magazine dedicated to Cultural policies and practices in
Europe, with a trilingual access : French, English and Spanish. (www.culture-europe-international.org).
Culture Europe International also publishes books. The
Institute of European Studies takes part in various pan-European research
groups among which EFRP (European Festivals Research Group, launched by
Prof. Dragan Klaic) and an Intensive Cooperation Programme dedicated to a
pluridisciplinary approach of European Towns and their representations
(together with Kiel University, Germany and other European universities).
Anne-Marie Autissier`s current research orientation is the possibility of
joint comparatives studies dealing with intercultural relationships, as well
as cultural policies and strategies, between India and the European Union.
“ Cultural networking in Europe ”, in
ECA Report, Copenhagen, 2003
« Politiques culturelles nationales et
stratégies culturelles de l’Union européenne », in Le Dictionnaire
critique, Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Mondialisations,
Paris, 2005
« Le traité constitutionnel et la
diversité culturelle : avancées et limites », in Actes des Réalités
européennes du présent, Bruxelles, 2005
« Quel bilan et quelles perspectives
pour la coopération universitaire entre l’Amérique latine et l’Union
européenne ? », in L’Amérique latine, le Brésil et la nouvelle Union
européenne, Université fédérale de Rio de Janeiro, Rio, 2006
« Denis de Rougemont, Active Conscience of Cultural Europe », in
Still so much to be done, Challenges for Culture in Europe, European
Festivals Association Books, Ghent, 2006
« L’Union européenne et la culture » in
L’Union européenne, la Documentation française, Paris, 2007
« Equity concrete issues in the
European Union : the role of cultural and artistic associations », in
Proceedings of Kolkata Research Group Critical Studies Conference,
« Intégration européenne et culture.
Retour sur un parcours accidenté (1970 – 2007) », in Les lucarnes de
l’Europe, Télévisions, cultures, identités, 1945 – 2005, Lévy
Marie-Françoise et Sicard Marie-Noëlle (dir.), Publications de la
Sorbonne, Paris, 2008
La Fondation européenne de la Culture, Cinquante ans d’histoire,
Fondation européenne de la Culture, Amsterdam, 2004 (English and French
L’Europe de la culture, Histoire(s) et enjeux, Maison des Cultures du Monde/Actes Sud,
(dir.), L’Europe des festivals, de Zagreb à Edimbourg, points
de vue croisés, Culture Europe International/Les Editions de
l’Attribut, Toulouse, 2008 (English and French version)
(dir.), Dialogue(s) interculturel(s) en Europe, Regards
croisés sur l’Année européenne du Dialogue interculturel,
Culture Europe International, Paris, 2008
(English and French version)
Her Report

and social researcher in Bozen (South Tyrol, Italy, 1957), graduated in
Economics at the University of Munich (D) and in Political Economy at the
University of Trento (I). Besides many years of professional activity in
empirical social and economic research in his home region South Tyrol, since
1983 he has been continuously committed to activities in humanitarian
co-operation projects and human rights NGO activities with particular regard
to minority issues and indigenous peoples rights, peace and international
conflict, information on North-South-issues. T.B. has been director of the
South Tyrolean branch of the international NGO “Society for threatened
Peoples” (based in Germany) and some other international solidarity
initiatives. Committed to journalistic and humanitarian purposes he spent
about two years with research and project activities in Latin America, the
Balkans and South Asia (especially in Nepal, Kashmir and Sri Lanka) and is
writing for several news-magazines and reviews. Since 2003 he is
collaborating with the European Academy of Bozen (Department for autonomy and
minorities) for an “Exchange Programme for the Politics of Recognition”
(minority rights and minority protection systems) with South Asian partners.
„Die Finanzierung der Regionen
mit Sonderstatut“, SVP (internal publication), Bozen 1988
„Mensch und Wirtschaft,
Gesellschaft und Gewerkschaft in Südtirol - Eine aktuelle sozialkundliche
Darstellung, AFI-IPL Bozen 2000
„Josef Noldin – Ich will nicht
Gnade, sondern Recht“ ATHESIA, Bozen, 1999
„Krieg im Himalaya – Hintergründe
des Maoistenaufstandes in Nepal“, LIT-Verlag, Berlin 2003
Il dramma del
Kosovo, Datanews, Rom 1998
„Armut in Südtirol – Eine
sozialkundliche Darstellung“, Caritas Bozen 2005
Il groviglio del
Kashmir“, Editori Frilli,
Genua 2005
„Wir sind das Volk – Einführung
in die direkte Demokratie“, Initiative für mehr Demokratie, Bozen
diretta – Più potere ai cittadini“, edizioni SONDA, 2008
The world's
working regional autonomies“, ANTHEM Press London/New Delhi 2007
Autonomien der Welt, ATHESIA, Bozen
contributions to single volumes and anthologies (in English, German and
Italian) as well as translations of textbooks (nonfiction and novels) from
English and Italian into German.
His Report

Eva Pföstl
di studi Politici S. Pio V
rinascimento 19
Director, Istituto di Studi Politici S.
Pio V, Department of Law and Economics
Director, Center for Italian-Romenian
Studies, Oradea, Romenia,/Roma, Italy
3.Adjoint Professor, Comparative Constitutional Law of Minorities and
Groups, Libera University S. Pio V, Faculty of Political Science
Specific Research
Expertise and
Comparative and European Constitutional Law
Minority Rights (language rights, political representation and
participation, affirmative actions, confidence building)
Legal Terminology and Drafting
Latest Publications
Condizione femminile e sicurezza , (edited
by) Apes, 2008
Human rights and Asian Values, (edited by )
Istituto di Studi Politici S. Pio V, 2007
L’Unione Europea, Costituzione, governo e
promozione del capitale umano, Anicia 2006, (together with A. Augenti)
La questione tibetana (forthcoming)
Her Report
