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A. Introduction
1. Fifteen years in the life of a small institution is a long time. CRG has in these fifteen years conducted four broad sets of researches, respectively on the themes of (a) forced migration (including issues of refugees, internal displacement, borders, boundaries, partitions, etc.), (b) various aspects of post-colonial democracy in India (such as, autonomy, social justice, rights, development and governance, etc.), (c) conflict, governance, and peace, and finally (d) new labour and new towns. These researches along with some other small ones (such as media and peace, food right, etc.) have produced several reports, research papers, monographs, edited books, and other publications. On the basis of these researches and studies CRG has conducted several orientation programmes, outreach activities, and dialogue initiatives. In this respect the Orientation Programme on Forced Migration stands out as an exceptional programme among all its activities. Yet, at the same time, CRG has experienced some difficulties and suffered from some defects. While some problems have been tackled successfully, some persist, with some new defects or difficulties appearing. This report on the fifteenth year of CRG will present an overview of the situation while reporting on its activities in 2011-12. The italicized section at the end of each report calls for discussion.
B. Programmes
2. The Ninth Annual Orientation Course on Forced Migration was held successfully with a new structure. The new structure was designed to be more interactive and followed the lines laid down in the advisory meeting. The new structure has proved successful. It entails presentation of original work by CRG, more interactive sessions, more assignments, and more collective deliberations. However categories of assignments have been reduced in number. Field visit to Darjeeling was also successful. Participants met key local notables, had an information session there, and had widespread interactions with refugee groups. The course had a follow up programme in form of a two day collaborative workshop in the Jamia Milia Islamia with local participants with some among them joining from West Bengal and the North-east. Under the orientation programme one selected participant visited Tripura to improve her term paper, and one CRG scholar visited Dhaka to collect documents relating to migration in the wake of the Partition as well as relating to her research. The Director and the Secretary visited Finland under this programme to find out other probable funding sources for the programme. The entire programme produced several research papers, which will be duly published in REFUGEE WATCH. During the year under review as part of the Orientation Programme CRG also published a media reader on displacement in the North-east. The reader was prepared and edited by Nilanjan Dutta. It was released in Guwahati last October. Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury handled the desk efficiently. Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury was the over all in charge. The programme was held in collaboration with the Embassy of Finland, UNHCR, and the Brookings Institution. A small grant from the Oxford University Refugee Studies Centre helped the publication of the media reader. Members have been sent hard copies of the detailed report, they can also access CRG web link - http://mcrg.ac.in/winter.htm where the report has been uploaded. CRG also has the responsibility of holding the 14th Conference of the IASFM in early 2013 (6-9 January), which requires involvement of all its members. This was possibly the penultimate year of the programme, as the Finland Embassy has indicated its inability to continue its financial support. One of the big challenges for CRG will be to continue the course after ten years, find out appropriate partners, and put in place under altered circumstances a restructured programme. CRG has to decide: How long can the programme continue? What can be the modified form of the course? And if it has to end, how should it end? Governing Body has decided to constitute a small committee consisting of Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Samir Kumar Das and Paula Banerjee to suggest appropriate ways to continue the programme. Members are invited to send their concrete suggestions to this committee. 3. The research and dialogue programme on Development, Democracy and Governance was in its last year. This was the third year of the Ford Foundation supported programme of research and dialogue on governance. Also this programme on governance was the third and final phase of the Ford Collaboration. In the preceding two phases the themes were respectively autonomy and social justice. In the third phase the theme was development, democracy, and governance. In the year under review most of the designated activities were successfully concluded. The two volumes were published by Routledge: Political Transition and Development Imperatives in India and New Subjects and New Governance in India – both volumes edited by Ranabir Samaddar and Suhit Sen. These two publications contain some of the finest researches in this field in the last decade. They also showed CRG’s capacity to handle relatively large research projects involving more than ten researchers, six workshops, dialogues, and several reports. Under the programme CRG also held the Fourth Critical Studies Conference in September 2011 on the theme, “Logistics, Governance, and Development”. Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury and Suhit Sen are entrusted with publishing a set of papers selected from the conference submissions. In this period, the book Borders of Justice based on the Second Critical Studies Conference (theme: “Other Spheres of Justice”) and edited by Etienne Balibar, Sandro Mezzadra, and Ranabir Samaddar was published by the Temple University Press. CRG also organised in October 2011 a two day workshop in collaboration with TISS at Mumbai on the theme of development, governance, and democracy. The notable aspect of the workshop was the widespread participation by local scholars, research students, and teachers. Manish Jha, a CRG member and a TISS faculty member, coordinated the programme and his initiative contributed greatly to the success of the workshop. CRG also held in September 2011 a three day intense deliberation at the IIAS, Shimla on a set of papers related to the theme of “Violence and Democracy”. This was a joint programme of the IIAS and CRG. Samir Kumar Das is entrusted with bringing out a volume on the basis of the deliberations, to be published by the IIAS. CRG’s website has detailed reports on these activities. Members can access the link - http://mcrg.ac.in/Development/development_present.asp . Mithilesh Kumar efficiently handled the desk. After his departure Suhit Sen with the help of Anwesha Sengupta has handled the desk work of the programme. The project has been extended by six months to complete few remaining tasks. The strength of the programme was its immense potential to link with other similar programmes, collaborations with other institutions, quality research, and follow up workshops. We now require a proper report to be widely circulated. Suhit Sen is entrusted with the task. Ranabir Samaddar has been in charge of the project. The minus side is, namely, this was the last year of the Ford Foundation supported nine year long work. How will CRG continue its researches in this field? How shall we summarise and disseminate the research findings of all these years? Given the increasing attention on democracy and governance these questions are important. Samir Kumar Das has been requested by the Governing Body to plan a meeting sometime in 2013 to discuss ways of continuing research on the broad theme of governance 4. The three year research programme on Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution in Europe and India (CORE) got off to a start in 2011. This is an EU supported programme with PRIO (Oslo) and University of Manchester (earlier University of St. Andrews) coordinating a consortium of nine institutions. CRG’s responsibility is to produce research reports and some original studies in this area based on its work in the North-east and Bihar. The project aims to analyze how increasingly globally articulated and networked norms, rules and policies of governance are transforming and affecting conflicts locally; how and to what degree governance measures on global, regional, state, and local levels impact each other in a multi-level dynamic, and if and how they constitute peace processes with broad local legitimacy; how an emerging EU peacebuilding framework, loosely defined by the idea of liberal peace and regional integration or association, compares with regional strategies aimed at dealing with conflict on and around the Indian subcontinent, and how current governance programmes along with the discourses of the governance initiatives address conflicts. In this framework, CRG will address three questions - (a) Which are the governmental techniques in relation to coping with conflicts or resolving them, or to put in a different way, what have been the peace keeping strategies of the Indian government? (b) Why do popular insurgencies and other protests die down mid way or enter processes of mutation? (c) On the basis of studies on these two aspects can we summarise something as a post-colonial “culture of governance”? The work began with preparing and circulating concept notes, factsheets, research abstracts, and fieldwork plans. Several CRG researchers have participated in field work. Two research papers were published in the year under review, and by the time this is being reported, two more research papers will have come out. CRG’s work in this area has been reported in Berlin, Hongkong, Rome, and Oslo besides in the consultative meetings at Varanasi, Delhi, and again at Varanasi. The work will have several significant dimensions: strong gender focus, study of the impact of governmental expansion in conflict zones, phases of insurgency, peace dialogues, migration, parallel histories of peace making, political economy of resources, management of caste relations, etc. Discussions on all these issues will enrich our idea of governance, government, and governmentality. Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Samir Das, and Ranabir Samaddar have in turn handled the desk. Paula Banerjee has also helped. For detailed information members may access the link - http://mcrg.ac.in/Core/Core_concept.html. The work promises to be a significant contribution to peace and conflict studies. The main task now is to produce a compact set of papers for publication in a journal or as a volume. Since the entire project is structured in the form of work packages (CRG is involved in all WPs) and deliverables the challenge is to stick to the tasks as laid down in the format of deliverables (reports, studies, response to questionnaires, etc.) under different work packages, yet conduct coherent research and complete a cogent set of papers that can mark CRG’s contribution to the theme. The organisation of the work under this programme is complicated and requires careful desk management. Initially CRG faced difficulty in adhering to the format. Given the past experiences, CRG’s success in quality research and timely publications will be a key factor in ensuring links with the EU. 5. In the year under review CRG’s work on Statelessness in India entered the second phase. Following its work on the Chakma stateless population in Arunachal Pradesh in the previous year (2010) and reported in the previous Annual General Meeting, CRG this year completed four case studies on, namely (a) people living in the Indo-Bangladesh enclaves, (b) Nepali speaking population in the Northeast, (c) stateless Indian Tamils of Sri Lanka now in India, and finally (d) Chinese population in Kolkata. The report and its summary are complete. The shorter version has been handed over to the UNHCR, which sponsored the study. The longer version is also ready. Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury handled the desk work in 2011, and in 2012 Atig Ghosh has handled the desk work and helped in compiling the report. Paula Banerjee is in charge of the project. CRG also held as part of the Ninth Orientation Course a workshop on the theme of statelessness. One of the main findings of the study has been the fluid nature of the citizenship-statelessness continuum. CRG has drawn implications of this formulation, and after the conclusion of the third and final phase in 2012 will be hopefully able to come out with a timely study of statelessness in India. The challenge in this project is that while reports are being duly submitted to the UNHCR, these reports in their academic form are not seeing the light of the day – either as research papers or collectively as a volume. Quite an amount of work needs to be done to turn the reports into a volume (or in form of a special issue of a journal) of critical engagement with the theme of statelessness. When done, it will be as significant in the corpus of studies on forced migration as CRG’s earlier study of Refugees and the State and Internal Displacement in South Asia. The Governing Body has suggested that in 2013 efforts will be made to publish a selection of studies in an appropriate journal or in form of a volume. 6. In the year under review the work on new town under the project Transit Labour continued in collaboration with Western Sydney University. The investigation into the conditions of making the new town at Rajarhat went on for most of the year; time was also devoted to writing and making it publishable. When published (Routledge, 2013), the study will be the first full length study of a new town, particularly Rajarhat on which there is enormous public interest. The main aim of the proposed study would be to examine how “spacing” technologies are adapted to create a new town in Kolkata and how they impact on the interface between market rights and territorial rights, and how this interface accompanies peasant dispossession and primitive accumulation. Studies on special economic zones in India, and the Indian state’s increasingly dependence on neo-liberal ways of running economy and society to reorganize governance of zones, is often marked by the ways of the market and capital, which determines the pattern of rule of law. Under these circumstances, Rajarhat New Town, which houses one of the largest IT SEZ in Eastern India, IT Parks and residential townships by big real estate players in India, like DLF, Unitech, Ambuja Realty etc. provides an excellent instance of this new paradigm of development where the territorial limits of governance are determined by capital inflows. The study when published will show the role of the virtual economy to map labour-in-transit; it will also show the process of primitive accumulation at work The study will further show the ways in which the virtual economy, in other words the informational economy, tries to erase the dirt and grime of accumulation; be it the methods of land acquisition, the resistance against such efforts of acquisition, land grab menace, or crime and mismanagement of funds to allocate land. Transit labour project became the occasion to hold a week long platform of field visit, discussion, film show, workshop, etc. on the theme of new town and transit labour. The week long platform held in the first week of September 2011 ended with a day-long intense workshop on the theme and associated experiences of new towns in India. The crucial aspect of the discussion was the elaboration of the concept of transit labour. A report on the workshop has been published. The findings have been presented in Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad, and Cairo. For details, members can also access the link http://mcrg.ac.in/TransitLabour/Transit_Concept.html. Suhit Sen has managed the desk; Ishita Dey helped in holding the platform; Mithilesh Kumar organised the one day workshop. The volume is being co-authored by Ishita Dey, Ranabir Samaddar, and Suhit Sen. Ranabir Samaddar has been in charge of the project. With the work on transit labour CRG has begun labour studies in its own way. The challenge is to continue it. As a follow up there is a proposal to conduct a study of the railway strike of 1974. But CRG has not been successful in securing funds for the study. Perhaps CRG will have to begin the work in a small way with the support of the members – but without any outside support. 7. Finally, in the year under review CRG began a study of Dalits in the Partition in the East in collaboration with the Victoria University at Wellington, New Zealand. It began in March 2012. The desk is handled by Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury. We shall report work under this project in the next AGM. 8. CRG also organised some public lectures and staff seminars in the year under review. The list is given below (it can be also found at - http://mcrg.ac.in/pl.htm):
· Seppälä
Tiina, Post-doctoral
Researcher, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social Studies,
University of Lapland, Finland (Currently Visiting
· Leonie
Ansems de Vries,
Assistant Professor of
International Relations, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia," On the (Im)mobility
of Political Life", · Ivan Ivekovic, Professor of American University of Cairo, Egypt's Uncertain Transition, 18 January, 2012.
· Sita
Venkateswar, Director,
International College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Senior Lecturer in
the Social Anthropology Programme at Massey · Mithilesh Kumar, Research Associate, Calcutta Research Group," Chronicle of a Man-made Disaster Foretold: Bihar Floods 2011", 28 November, 2011
· Sibaji
Pratim Basu, Associate Professor
of Habra Sri Chaitanya College and Member of Calcutta Research Group, Chronicle
of a Forgotten Food Movement: 1959 · Peter Burgess, Professor of Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO),The Ethical Subject of Security, 22 September, 2011 · Mithilesh Kumar, Research Associate, Calcutta Research Group, Logistics of Labour Migration: A Case Study of Bihar, 24 August 2011 · Agnibho Gangopadhyay, Research Assistant, Calcutta Research Group, Agenda for Contemporary Histories: Cases and Texts, 24 August 2011
· Anisha
of Sociology, Brandon University, Canada,
Social Eugenics and Macro-Motherhood in the Name of a ‘Susastha’
Nation-State, 22 July · Ranabir Samaddar , Director, Calcutta Research Group, Rajarhat beyond Kolkata - An Urban Dystopia , 11 July 2011 · Suhit K. Sen , Calcutta Research Group, Bizarre Urbanity : The Unmaking of Rajarhat, 11 July 2011 · Ishita Dey, Delhi University and Calcutta Research Group, New Labour in New Town, 11 July 2011 · Janam Mukherjee, University of Michigan “ Hungry Bengal : War, Famine and the End of Empire 1939-1946 ", 22 June 2011 · Suhit Sen, Senior Researcher, Calcutta Research Group, Indira Gandhi and Subversion of Indian Democracy? , 18 May 2011
· Brett
Associate Professor, Principle Research Fellow and formar Director, Centre for
Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney, Logistics and the
· Ned
Professor of Communication, School of Communication Arts, University of Western
Sydney and a member of UWS's Centre for Cultural Research, · Mithilesh Kumar, Research & Programme Associate, CRG" Prism of Partition : Historiography and Manipur ", 20 April 2011
The lecture series had been of uneven quality and participation. It has been noted that while some CRG society members attend the lectures regularly and participate in the discussions, some do not. We also need an integrated and authenticated data base of invitees and their contact details to make the lecture and seminar series successful. Also members of CRG are encouraged to present their researchers under this series. . We should plan interesting lectures by local (Kolkata based) researchers, also a series of lectures by young researchers.
C. Publications
9. Publications formed as in other years an important part of CRG’s programmes. The list is given below:
Research Paper Series (Policies and Practices)
· Situating
Transit Labour
- by Samita Sen, Mouleshri Vyas, Babu P. Remesh and Byasdeb Dasgupta (PP No.
43, September 2011) · Governing Flood, Migration and Conflict in North Bihar -Mithilesh Kumar (PP No.45; March 2012) · A Gigantic Panopticon: Counter-Insurgency and Modes of Disciplining and Punishment in Northeast India – by Sajal Nag, ( PP NO. 46; March 2012) · Public Interest Litigation in India: Implications for Law and Development – by Sarbani Sen ( PP No. 47; March 2012) · Governing Caste and Managing Conflicts, Bihar, 1990-2011 (CORE) – by Manish K. Jha and Pushpendra (PP No. 48; March 2012)
Ninth Annual Orientation Course on Forced Migration
REFUGEE WATCH (37, June 2011 and 38, December 2011): Members can access the website to know the details.
In the year under review Refugeewatchonline managed several problems and made steady progress. Members are encouraged to access and participate in this news cum blog site. The salient aspect of this online publication is its young editorial board consisting of winter course alumni. It holds an annual consultative meeting to improve the publication. Ishita Dey as CRG member has been responsible for the success and continuity of the publication.
While CRG’s publication activity has been its strength, we face three problems here: First, we have not been able to begin our publications in non-English languages (except on two occasions) – mainly in Bengali and Hindi. Second, some of the old decisions could not be implemented regarding refugee watch. Third, CRG has not been able to plan online publications, while it is true that some of its publications are put on website.
D. Academic and Administrative Staff
10. During this period Mithilesh Kumar, Research and Programme Associate, Agnibho Gangopadhyay and Sangbida Lahiri, both Research and Programme Assistants left CRG. Mithilesh Kumar and Agnibho Gangopadhyay left for higher education while Sangbida Lahiri for another job. Atig Ghosh joined CRG as Research and Programme Associate in August 2011. Suha Priyadarshini Chakraborty as Research and Programme Associate and Anwesha Sengupta as Research and Programme Assistant joined CRG in January 2012. Anusua Basu Ray Chaudhury continues as Research and Programme Associate. Suhit Sen continues as Senior Researcher along with other honorary Senior Researchers – Paula Banerjee, Samir Kumar Das and Sabyaschi Basu Ray Chaudhury. The annual reports of the research and programme staff engaged on full time basis are attached as annexure.
11. As in previous years the services of Ratan Chakrtaborty, M. Chatterji, Asok Kumar Giri, and Samaresh Guchhait were reconfirmed. The part time service of R. K. Mahato as typist was retained. Mr. Rajat Kumar Sur is continuing his work on part-time basis for the Resource Centre and Library of CRG.
12. CRG continued with the policy of annual ten percent rise in pay. Other social security provisions continue. In the year under review CRG paid as extra benefit in form of social security provision.ten thousand rupees each to the members of the staff drawing as monthly salary below Rs. 20,000/.
13. Ranabir Samaddar continued as the Director in the year under review. He was helped by the advice of a finance committee and the research advisory body – both duly constituted by the Governing Body. He is also helped by regular staff meetings. His term comes to an end in December 2012.
The uncertainty over junior members of the staff continues as the report (paragraph 10) testifies. Given the situation that CRG has no core grant, the conflict between the principle of fixed payment and project-bound grant creates tensions and problems. In this situation the role of the finance committee in advising the Director becomes crucial. Likewise, in submitting new proposals the advice of the research advisory body is important. On both counts CRG requires greater dynamism and expertise.
E. Library and other Assets
14. The CRG Library was originally meant for the use of in-house researchers only, although permissions were granted from time to time to bona fide researchers from outside to use the library. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of the library has 2267 books relating to law, gender studies, forced migration, food, environment, justice, autonomy, displacement, literary works, minority rights, media, advocacy material, child right, and human rights. Besides books, it contains documents, journals, manuscripts, researcher papers, Ph.D. dissertations, reports news paper clippings, and CD-ROMs. In the non-book section it has journals, reports, theses, conference papers, texts of lectures, pamphlets, working papers, census reports, posters, power point presentations, brochures, course readings and resource materials for the winter courses on forced migration, gazetteers relating the Northeast, gender, child rights, minority rights, human rights, forced migration, law, advocacy series, media. It has an exclusive collection of newspaper clippings on north and northeast India. Various reports of the Brooking Institution and copies of the Forced Migration Review and Economic and Political Weekly are there. It subscribes to News on North East India for news clipping on Northeast, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), JSTOR, and Project Muse. The document section has gained from contributions by researchers in CRG research projects. In addition it has online winter course lectures and several public lectures. The CRG Library has 10 Audio CDs, 61 Video CDs, and 78 Data CDs relating on human trafficking, gender, violence, migration, displacement, ethnic conflicts, human rights, educational material on Sustaining Rights, Burma Human Rights Yearbook 2006, 2008, World Investment Report 2005, World Refugee Survey 2003, Brookings materials on IDP, UN Human Rights System 1999, 2000, 2002, Nepal Human Rights Year Book 2004, Ensuring Food Secure Future, Right to Land, and Report on Human Trafficking. The library has supported various research scholars, students, faculty members of colleges, universities, research institutions and NGOs. It has posted an on-line catalogue in the CRG website. Two hundred users from across the globe are registered users and have information on the collection of the CRG Library. In this context it might be not be out of place here to mention that CRG Library has now information on some other related catalogues. The immense popularity of the CRG Library is testified by its steady growth in the number of users which are free. The library provides open access to its collection of various research activities of this institution. It provides comprehensive information or resources and services, links to electronic resources. CRG appeals to its members to contribute relevant resource material to the CRG Library for help its growth in various possible ways. More information about how the researchers can make best use of our resources can be found in relevant section of the website.
15. Among other assets, CRG has mainly the electronic and electrical goods, such as computers, printers, scanners, refrigerator, AC machines etc. CRG had to purchase two ABC Type Fire Extinguishers as protection from sudden fire. One Steel Filing Cabinet was purchased during this period to accommodate important papers and files. Assets are numbered. There is a proper method of disposing of old and unusable assets. Members can inspect the asset register duly maintained at the office.
Space for the library is a big problem. Likewise increasing online documents and access remains another unaddressed problem in this respect.
F. Website
16. CRG’s website has expanded in the year under consideration. We have also expanded our resource centre housed in our website. The number of access has exceeded fifty thousand. Resource centre users have also increased in number. The website and web-based exchanges are now crucial in running the orientation course. The website is now being re-designed.
However we face two problems here: Our web-publications are still in very early stage. Second, our society members and many of the staff members still do not use the web-based resources frequently. Reports are thus unevenly uploaded. Past numbers of REFUGEE WATCH are not accessed as much the material deserves.
G. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee
17. In the year under consideration the advisory committee met twice. In the first meeting various proposals for securing funding were discussed. In the second meeting ways towards improving CRG’s research capacity were discussed. Besides following the usual modes of quality check and encouragement to researchers, advisory members suggested that opinions of the society members be sought regarding widening of our research base. The advisory committee members noted the difficulty that CRG being a small institution and depending solely on small duration project grants faces in its research work.
18. Accordingly the opinions of the honorable members were sought. Some said that CRG was doing whatever was possible and was of high quality, and it should not tire or overstretch itself, or go for the impossible. Some have said that CRG can work on issues of common interest to two Bengals; some have said that forced migration studies should be updated in the light of globalization, contemporary changes, and new needs of protection of newly vulnerable groups. Some have suggested pursuit of labour studies. Several others did not respond to CRG’s letters to the members.
19. It was also noted that fund raising was equally important in designing research projects and the issue of size is important. Should we focus on small grants? Should we emphasize getting grant from the ICSSR? What kind of grant can we expect? These are some of the issues raised in the last few months as two of the CRG’s main projects come to end, and funds dry up.
20. There is also the issue of visibility raised by some members. Visibility has relation with fund raising.
21. Finally there was discussion on the staff pattern. The issue is under attention. Given CRG’s limited financial resources there are limits to the extent it can be redesigned and improved beyond what it is now. The idea of broad basing CRG’s researches has come up in this context.
H. Members
22. The following persons became new members of the society as per the decision of the Governing Body:
· Arup Sen · Byasdeb Dasgpta · Samita Sen · Shymalendu Majumdar · Sumona Dasgupta 23. The present Roll of the Members of MCRG is given below: 1. Anita Sengupta 2. Arup Sen 3. Asha Hans 4. Bharat Bhusan 5. Byasdeb Dasgupta 6. Dipankar Dasgupta 7. Ishita Dey 8. Madhuresh Kumar 9. Kalpana Kannabiran (Vice President) 10. Keya Das Gupta 11. Krishna Banerjee 12. Kumar Rana 13. Manabi Majumdar 14. Mandira Sen 15. Manish Jha 16. Mushirul Hasan 17. Nasreen Chowdhury 18. Pallav Goswami 19. Paula Banerjee (Secretary) 20. Pradip Kumar Bose 21. Prasanta Ray 22. Rajesh Kharat 23. Ranabir Samaddar (Director, invitee) 24. Ritu Menon 25. Ruchira Goswami 26. Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury (President) 27. Samir Kumar Das 28. Samita Sen 29. Sanjay Chaturvedi 30. Shyamalendu Majumdar 31. Sibaji Pratim Basu (Treasurer) 32. Soumitra Dastidar 33. Subhas Ranjan Chakrabarty 34. Subir Bhaumik 35. Sumona Dasgupta 36. V. Ramaswamy